Amy Schumer Skewers Alternative Birthing Methods

On Thursday’s Inside Amy Schumer, the thing that was inside Amy Schumer was a baby, and she had some pretty creative plans to get it out. In a sketch, several pregnant women compared their alternative birthing plans and their disdain for traditional hospital births.

One woman explained, “We are having a water birth, but instead of water, we’re gonna fill the tub with gender-neutral barley, which is also the name of the baby it will be better for.”

The alternatives to a hospital got increasingly bizarre. Schumer’s character said, “I just don’t trust Western medicine at this point. That’s why I’m having my baby on the highest mountaintop in Tibet as far from real medical help as is humanly possible. My doula’s a Sherpa.”

The final woman explained that she planned on giving birth to her child in a hospital. The other women became so distraught, they all instantly gave birth. Sadly, there was no gender-neutral barley to smooth things along.

Inside Amy Schumer airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. on Comedy Central.

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