Amid Weinstein Allegations, L.A. City Attorney Calls for Sexual Harassment Victims to Come Forward

In the wake of the allegations of sexual abuse and harassment at the hands of Harvey Weinstein that have rocked Hollywood, Los Angeles’ city attorney Mike Feuer has asked victims of sexual harassment and abuse to come forward, and stated that “where the facts support conviction, we will prosecute.”

“We know this is not just a Hollywood thing — it’s a workplace thing, arising all too often in virtually every industry,” Feuer said in a statement Tuesday. “Please come forward so that your cases — and justice — can be pursued.”

Although sex crimes divisions in New York and London are both investigating the claims of at least five women who have accused Weinstein of rape or sexual assault, no police reports have been filed in Los Angeles.

Read the attorney’s statement in full below.

“The Weinstein allegations have placed a bright spotlight on sexual harassment and sexual abuse, especially in the workplace. As brave victims come forward, others have been encouraged to do the same. And our nation must now confront these significant issues in a profound way.

“From our prosecutions in this area, I know it takes tremendous courage for women and men to share often intimate details of sexual harassment or abuse. We know this is not just a Hollywood thing — it’s a workplace thing, arising all too often in virtually every industry.

“Indeed, while most people don’t work in the entertainment industry, victims of sexual harassment and abuse share many of the very same concerns we’ve heard about in recent days: Will my job be on the line if I say something? Will I be publicly humiliated? Will anyone believe me — and will anyone stand up for me?

“I am here to say we will. We take allegations like these very seriously, and where the facts support conviction, we will prosecute. I’m very pleased that LAPD recently issued a call for alleged victims to come forward so LAPD can investigate. Please come forward so that your cases — and justice — can be pursued.”

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