AmfAR Gala Emcee James Corden Scalds Harvey Weinstein With Hot Water Joke

James Corden apparently didn’t get the memo that Hollywood isn’t joking about Harvey Weinstein. A week after Saturday Night Live ignored the Weinstein scandal – the NBC comedy gets a second chance tonight – Corden dove in head first at last night’s AmfAR Gala Los Angeles.

“This is a beautiful room,” Corden said, kicking things off. “It’s a beautiful night here in L.A. So beautiful, Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel to give him a massage.”

Corden hosted the event, held at the Beverly Hills estate of Ron Burkle, and took aim at Weinstein despite some nervous groans from the audience. Joked The Late Late Show host, “It has been weird this week though, watching Harvey Weinstein in hot water. Ask any of the women who watched him take a bath.”

And then this: “Harvey Weinstein wanted to come tonight, but sadly he’ll settle for whatever potted plant is closest.”

Neither AmfAR nor Corden have posted video of the monologue yet, but cell phone footage is making the rounds.

No word yet on how tonight’s SNL, with guest host Kumail Nanjiani and musical guest Pink, will tackle the scandal, though the question isn’t so much how but when Weinstein’s name gets first mention: Cold open or Weekend Update?


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