‘American Horror Story Roanoke’ Ramps Up the Stakes In ‘Chapter 7’ (Recap)

‘American Horror Story Roanoke’ Ramps Up the Stakes In ‘Chapter 7’ (Recap)

(Spoiler alert: Please do not read on if you haven’t watched Wednesday’s episode of “American Horror Story: Roanoke”)

Things are about to get very, very bloody on “American Horror Story Roanoke.” We have met the actors who played Matt, Shelby and Lee, and now they’re all back in Roanoke for a reality series that, as we discovered last week, will kill all but one of them. Check out who we think the one survivor will be, and check out our live blog below.

In the meantime, let’s do this.

10:00 p.m. ET:
We see Sidney in the production truck gloating over the fight he sparked between Matt and Dominic. One of his underlings comes in with dinner and asks if he’s heard from Diane, who isn’t answering her phone. Sid brushes her off, not knowing Diane is dead. Then the cameraman sees the security footage of Rory being killed by the nurses, but before they can rewind the tape, they hear a scream outside. They go out and find Sid’s assistant with her throat slit … before they are both killed by the one responsible. It’s Agnes, deep in her delusions that she is The Butcher.

Well, so long Sid. Thanks for setting up the slaughter.

10:08 p.m.: Audrey is wandering around looking for Rory, whose body has mysteriously disappeared. They go to the room where he was killed and see his blood, but Audrey just thinks that its a set-up from Sidney. In a confessional, Audrey tells us what she really thinks: Rory finally left her because she couldn’t stay with an older woman. Yeah, she’s really hung up about that.

Also Read: 'American Horror Story': Who Will Be the Lone Roanoke Survivor? (Photos)

10:11 p.m.:
Agnes has set up herself in the underground bunker, and she’s giving a schizophrenic confessional of her own. The Agnes side of her regrets killing Sid’s assistant, but The Butcher side feels it was necessary for intruding upon her land. She talks about only getting booked for three episodes, but she was able to get more because she was the star. Her egocentric rant is cut short when the lights in the room go out. She lights the candle again…only to see the stick figures from the colony magically appearing. Guess The Butcher got tired of cheap imitators.

The next day in the house, Dominic tries to seduce Shelby, but she wants nothing to do with him. Things get worse for her when Matt walks in and says Dom can do whatever he wants to her. Dom strolls off to the confessional, where he says he intends to play the reality TV villain role, and that is what Sidney’s paying him to do. He takes out a body camera disguised as a necklace and promises a roller coaster.

Shelby goes upstairs looking for Matt, and finds a bloody camera in the bedroom. That’s when Agnes shows up, vowing revenge on everyone for not being a part of the show. Shelby tries to escape, but Agnes plants her cleaver right in her back. Shelby, wailing, tells her she’s going to make sure everyone knows who killed her. Before Agnes can deal the final blow, Dominic comes in and smashes Agnes’ head through the window. He goes to tend to Shelby, but when he turns around, Agnes is gone.

10:25 p.m.:
The cast tends to Shelby’s wounds while figuring out a course of action. They’re wondering why Sidney hasn’t sent an ambulance yet, and decide to go out to find the production trailer.. Before they go, Lee reveals that she brought a pistol with her to the house. Lee, Audrey, and Monet take the underground passage to get out of the house, but are chased out by the ghost of Rory in his Edward Mott outfit…or maybe it’s Edward Mott himself? Either way it’s finally gotten into the actors’ heads that the Roanoke Trio were telling the truth about the blood moon.

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Back at the house, Matt and Shelby have a heart-to-heart. Shelby apologizes again for what she did with Dom, but Matt insists that it was the house that ended their marriage. He says that he hasn’t felt human since escaping the house and implies that he came back to the house out of some vague hope to regain what he lost. Shelby reassures him that they can be whole again.

Back outside, the three women find the trailer … and Sid’s disembodied corpse. There’s no sign of a phone or laptop, so they have no choice but to hike five miles through the dark to the nearest town with the Blood Moon high in the air. Suddenly, Agnes pops out of the woods, and Lee guns her down. While they flee, Audrey gives a tearful goodbye message to Rory professing her love for him … until blood drops on her. They look up and see Rory’s bloody corpse strung up in a tree.

10:37 p.m.:
Audrey is beside herself over what she’s seen, but she can’t mourn for long. They see people approaching with flashlights and try to escape. Unfortunately, their escape is in vain, and they are tasered and blinded with cloth sacks. Meanwhile, we see Agnes back in her bunker, removing the bullet from her body with heated pliers.

In the house, Matt rises from his bed and saunters to the basement almost like he’s possessed. Dominic follows him, and guess who shows up? It’s Scathach, looking far more gruesome than her Lady Gaga counterpart. Dominic brings Shelby down to the basement, and she grabs a crowbar and attacks Scathach. But before she can continue the assault, Matt pulls her off and tells her the real reason he came back: he wanted to be with Scathach.

And that’s when Shelby uses the crowbar to beat her ex-husband’s skull into chunky bits of bloody bone.

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10:47 p.m.:
Now we go back to Lee, who has been captured by those cannibal hillbillies that Sidney couldn’t find. It turns out they’re just as sick as the show portrayed them to be, as they chop off her left (seasoned) leg while using her own camera to film everything. Then they head downstairs and feed pieces of Lee’s flesh to a horrified Audrey and Monet, tasering them as they are forced to eat it all. If Ryan Murphy was trying to bait “AHS” fans into wanting to see pompous spoiled movie actors get terrorized and then showing them they should be careful what they wish for, mission accomplished.

At the house, Dominic is trying to talk to a hysterical Shelby and convince her to confess since there are cameras everywhere. Suddenly, they hear a knock at the front door. Dominic goes to see who it is, thinking it’s Sidney. It’s not. It’s Agnes.

Agnes wields a torch demanding that Shelby and Dom submit themselves to be sacrificed. But through her speech, she doesn’t see a group advancing towards her. It’s the real Roanoke colonists, and leading them, wearing a black Victoria Era dress and a stern gaze … is the real Tomasyn White, a.k.a. The Butcher. Agnes pleads for her life before she is killed by the woman she idolized. End episode.

Next week: The torture of Audrey and Monet continues, and the evil Piggy returns to make another kill.

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