AMC unveils 'The Draper Bench' outside New York's Time-Life Building

AMC unveils 'The Draper Bench' outside New York's Time-Life Building

Mad Men fans endured temperatures hovering around 20 degrees Monday morning to catch a glimpse of the show’s stars outside New York’s Time-Life building—which also houses the fictional agency depicted in AMC’s drama.

Creator Matt Weiner, along with cast members Jon Hamm, January Jones, Elisabeth Moss, Christina Hendricks, and John Slattery were in attendance when executives revealed “The Draper Bench,” a simple black piece modeled after the iconic final frame of Mad Men‘s opening credits.

“For our mad men—and women—this building represented a fresh start and was a symbol that their new, off-Madison Avenue advertising agency had arrived,” said AMC President Charlie Collier before a crew removed the bright red structure hiding the bench. “For the brilliant creator of Mad Men, Matthew Weiner, authenticity is king, so every detail of the show, from the architecture to the furniture to the views from Don Draper’s corner office on the 37th floor, all of it was true to 1960s New York.”

Norman Pearlstine, Time Inc.’s executive vice president and chief content officer, attended the event; he was a Wall Street Journal reporter during the period when Mad Men takes place. Neither Weiner nor the cast gave remarks at the brief unveiling.