Amber Riley Says She Doesn’t “Give a S—t” About Lea Michele Accusations: “People Are Out Here Dying”

Amber Riley Says She Doesn’t “Give a S—t” About Lea Michele Accusations: “People Are Out Here Dying”

Amber Riley is remaining neutral.

On Wednesday, the Glee star was asked to weigh in on the accusations made against Lea Michele by their former castmates, but chose to use the time to bring attention to the Black Lives Matter movement instead.

"I don't give a s--t about this Lea Michele thing," Riley told journalist Danielle Young during an Instagram Live interview. "I really don't give a f--k. I don't. I don't want to be asked about it—and I'm not talking to you, I'm talking about everyone else…I don't give a s--t. People are out here dying. Being murdered by police. Trans women are being murdered at the hands of men."

Reiterating her stance, she continued, "I don't give a s--t about this Lea Michele thing. I wish Lea Michele well. I hope that she has an amazing pregnancy. I hope that she has grown."

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Referencing the apology that Michele made earlier in the week, Riley added, "I didn't read it because, I told you, I don't give a s--t about it That's my hope and my prayer for her. She reached out to me and I responded to her. That's where it ends for me."

"I ain't talk to that girl in two years, you know what I'm saying?" she continued. "I have no hatred or ill-will on that end and I want to make that very clear, that my life and what I talk about is not going to be about that. This is the first and last time I'm gonna say something."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Amber Riley: “I really don’t give a sh*t about this Lea Michele thing. People are out here dying. I hope that she has grown... she reached out to me, I responded to her, and that’s where it ends for me.” <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GLEE</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The AHS News 🖤✊🏾 (@theahsnews) <a href="">June 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Riley concluded, "If it ain't about defunding the police, prosecuting killer cops or Black Lives Matter—or, my EP that's coming out…if it's not about those things, I don't care."

On Monday, Samantha Marie Ware accused Michele of allegedly making Ware's "first television gig a living hell." Ware also tweeted, "I believe you told everyone that if you had the opportunity you would 'sh-t in my wig!' amongst other traumatic microaggressions that made me question a career in Hollywood."

While Riley would not comment on Michele, she did voice support for Ware. "I'm very proud of her for standing up for herself," she said, according to Entertainment Weekly. "I am proud of her not being fearful for speaking her truth…[Her] feeling was, 'I am not going to allow you to jump on what is happening now when you didn't treat me right.'" She also mentioned that the Glee set was "not the most comfortable environment" to work in.

Prior to Riley's Instagram Live, Heather Morris also claimed that Michele was "unpleasant to work with." Taking to Twitter, she wrote, "Let me be very clear, Hate is a disease in America that we are trying to cure, so I would never wish for that hate to be spread to anyone else. With that said, was she unpleasant to work with? Very much so; for Lea to treat others with the disrespect that she did for as long as she did, I believe she SHOULD be called out."

"E! stands in solidarity with the black community against systemic racism and oppression experienced every day in America," the network said in a statement on May 31. "We owe it to our black staff, talent, production partners and viewers to demand change and accountability. To be silent is to be complicit. #BlackLivesMatter."