Amber Heard Says She Was Dropped from Jobs After Making Johnny Depp Allegations

Amber Heard is opening up about the backlash she received after making allegations of abuse against ex-husband Johnny Depp.

In an op-ed written for the Washington Post and published on Tuesday, the Aquaman actress wrote she “felt the full force of our culture’s wrath for women who speak out” against domestic violence.

“Friends and advisers told me I would never again work as an actress — that I would be blacklisted. A movie I was attached to recast my role,” the 32-year-old shared. “I had just shot a two-year campaign as the face of a global fashion brand, and the company dropped me.”

Heard continued, “Questions arose as to whether I would be able to keep my role of Mera in the movies Justice League and Aquaman.”

Depp, 55, has vehemently denied all abuse allegations, calling the claims “salacious false stories, gossip, misinformation, and lies.”

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Amber Heard
Amber Heard

The actress alleged coming forward with her claims caused her to receive death threats.

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“I write this as a woman who had to change my phone number weekly because I was getting death threats,” she explained. “For months, I rarely left my apartment, and when I did, I was pursued by camera drones and photographers on foot, on motorcycles and in cars.”

She continued, “Tabloid outlets that posted pictures of me spun them in a negative light. I felt as though I was on trial in the court of public opinion — and my life and livelihood depended on myriad judgments far beyond my control.”

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Her purpose in writing the op-ed, she wrote, was to “ensure that women who come forward to talk about violence receive more support.”

“We are electing representatives who know how deeply we care about these issues,” Heard added. “We can work together to demand changes to laws and rules and social norms — and to right the imbalances that have shaped our lives.”

Depp and Heard married in 2015 and finalized their divorce in early 2017.