Alexis Bledel and Matt Czuchry Defend THAT Gilmore Girls Shocker

SPOILER WARNING: For those who haven’t watched Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, plot details will be revealed below.

Shockingly enough, Rory Gilmore did not get her fairytale ending with Logan after all.

The release of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life has fans on the fence about the relationship between Rory (Alexis Bledel) and her former flame Logan (Matt Czuchry). Though the pair reconnect in the series, it’s not on the best of terms (both cheated in their relationships and sleep with one another).

Speaking with ET, Bledel admitted that her character’s new relationship with Logan (he was Rory’s third and final boyfriend in the original CW series), was actually a shock to her.

“It did surprise me,” the 35-year-old actress confessed of the pairs infidelities in the Netflix series. “And I think it’s a little uncomfortable for even though she’s kind of putting on a brave face that she’s fine with it.”

“I think she’s actually not that emotionally connected to it,” she continued. “I think she’s kind of just going through the motions at this point when we pick up with them.”

As for Czuchry, he was onboard with their characters’ adulterous behavior.

“I think they were both in the same place at the same time,” Czuchry said. “Rory and Logan have always had a love for each other that has gone back and forth, and they’ve never really wanted to say goodbye.”

“They’re both in the same place at the same time in this particular story,” he added. “So it’s a mutual relationship that they’re carrying on.”

The was one Stars Hallow reunion in the revival that holds a special place in the actor’s heart.

“All the Life and Death Brigade stuff was my favorite,” Czuchry gushed. “I think that whole piece captures the best of Logan and the best of Rory and the best of them together, so that was my favorite piece of the whole puzzle.”

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life is now streaming on Netflix.