Adam Sandler's oil painting

The bathroom is a common place to showcase your sense of humor. So which actress has an oil painting of Adam Sandler there?

Steve Granitz/
Steve Granitz/

The answer is Drew Barrymore, costar of The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates. According to InStyle‘s February cover story, “a small framed oil painting of Adam Sandler sits on the back of the toilet” in the downstairs bathroom at the offices of her production company, Flower Films.

The next line in the piece makes me think Flower Films is the second best place to work (after Pixar, of course): “In the room on the right, there’s a washer and dryer and a basket of clean, neatly folded clothes (some of the employees didn’t have washing machines at home, so Barrymore had the appliances installed).” As someone who hasn’t had a washer and dryer in her apartment building in New York City for 14 years, I find that truly noteworthy.

Oh, and also: She donated $1 million to cofound the Drew Barrymore Education Project with the UN World Food Programme and has provided food, a water well, and a new school for children in Kenya. She wouldn’t let them put her name on the school though.

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