Actress Opens Up About Being Abducted Twice As A Child

Actress Jan Broberg claims that when she was 12 years old, she was abducted by family friend Robert Berchtold.

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“He handed me my allergy pill because I was going to be around horses. After I took the pill, I woke up in the back of a moving motor home and my arms and my legs were strapped to the back of the bed. I was drugged. I was in and out of very, very deep sleep,” Broberg says. “For the next five weeks I was missing. This is when the sexual abuse began.”

Broberg, known for roles in the television shows Everwood and Criminal Minds, says she met Berchtold at church when she was 10 years old.

WATCH: Actress Jan Broberg Claims At 12 She Was Kidnapped, ‘Brainwashed’ And Told She Was Supposed To Have A Baby To ‘Save The Dying Planet’

“Robert did give me special attention that he didn’t give to the others,” Broberg recalls. “I wasn’t a mature 12 years old. I looked like I was about 8 years old. I was a pleaser. I had the right personality to be manipulated.”

Broberg claims that when she was found, Robert’s wife asked her parents to drop all the charges because she hadn’t been hurt and the families were best friends. So she says the families continued to have a relationship.

“I was telling my parents and everyone that he didn’t hurt me, but I had been brainwashed,” Broberg says.

WATCH: Woman Recalls How Life Changed After Her Sister Was Abducted At 14

In the video above, the actress describes what she says happened when Berchtold abducted her for a second time. And, hear why she believes Berchtold targeted her as soon as he moved into the neighborhood.

On Thursday’s episode of Dr. Phil, hear what happened when Berchtold showed up at a woman’s conference where Broberg was the guest speaker. Check here to see where you can watch.

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Actress Jan Broberg Recalls What Happened When She Was Abducted For Four Months When She Was 14