Actor Scott Evans Chats About Starring In The Romance-Comedy, "Almost Love"

"Almost Love" follows Adam (Scott Evans), a talented painter now stuck ghost painting for a successful contemporary artist. He and Marklin are at the five-year mark of their relationship and are face to face with the existential question, "Is that all there is?". Their friend circle is confronting the same question in a whole host of ways. Everyone's a bit of a mess, but at the same time eternally optimistic at finding new ways to make things work.

Video Transcript


MATT FORTE: Hello, world. What is up. Welcome to "BUILD at Home." I'm your host, Matt Forte, and I'm coming to you from my home, as is, I believe, our next guest. We'll find out in a second.

Before we get started and jump in, just a quick mention at the top here. It's really important. There's a lot of stuff going on, I get it. It's very easy for important things to get lost in the noise. But millions of children are losing the healthy meals that they depend on as the coronavirus closes schools nationwide. has a plan to feed them, which is awesome, but we need your help. I just took a look at the site. We're at over 404 million meals have been lost. So if you're watching this and just happen to be a person that's in a position to give a little bit back, take a look at and see if you can help buy a couple of kids some lunch. Cool. Thank you very much for that.

Now, I'm with the show. Our next guest, you recognize him from "Grace and Frankie" or "One Life to Live." You may have caught him recently in Hulu's "Into the Dark," and you can see him this weekend starring in the new romantic comedy "Almost Love," which drops on VOD and digital Friday, April 3. Please, wherever you are, make some noise and celebrate, because we're here with great Scott Evans. Scott, how you doing, man?

SCOTT EVANS: Make some noise alone.

MATT FORTE: Alone. Why-- why should we cease making noise, even though we're in isolation?

SCOTT EVANS: We should all be screaming a little bit, maybe a little something.

MATT FORTE: Exactly. I'm in a constant state of screaming, so I think we should just all do that together, right?

SCOTT EVANS: Yeah, I mean, why not?

MATT FORTE: Scott, thanks so much for taking some time and hanging out with us here today.

SCOTT EVANS: Of course. Thanks for having me.

MATT FORTE: Of course, dude, and congrats on this film. How are you doing? How is quarantine life treating you? How are you holding up? What have you been up to?

SCOTT EVANS: You know, things are-- things are OK. Things are good. I mean, I think it's-- I really have nothing to-- there's nothing I can complain about, just because, even with your opening right there, it's like I'm getting breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So it's like, you know, it's hard to complain. It's only-- it's easy to try to help and try to share the word and the people that are doing the good help. And you know, it's just-- it's important to stay informed, I guess--


SCOTT EVANS: --while we're away from everybody. And it's very easy to stay informed, so--

MATT FORTE: For sure.

SCOTT EVANS: --I'm trying.

MATT FORTE: For sure. I was-- I was watching-- I was looking at your social media. It looked as though you injured your leg or something. What happened?

SCOTT EVANS: Oh my god. I was, like--

MATT FORTE: What did you do?

SCOTT EVANS: --just adjusting my seat because I was sitting on it. You know, I wish I had some interesting story. I wish I was--

MATT FORTE: Right. No one was there.

SCOTT EVANS: --going, like, 40 miles an hour. I was-- I was rollerblading. I wasn't even moving. I was, like, standing in the driveway, just kind of waiting.


SCOTT EVANS: And I-- something happened where I lost-- I'm a very good rollerblader, too, but this is a bummer. But I went down. I got a nice bruise forming on my elbow.


SCOTT EVANS: I went down on my back, and my left rollerblade just hit my shin, like directly on it. I had, like-- there's a giant contusion. But it's gone down a little bit now. Still a little painful.

MATT FORTE: I'm happy to hear that. It's always much like a coin flip. Like, I want to stay active. I want to be healthy. I want to go for a bike ride. But there's also like, ah, I don't know, what if something happens. What am I going to do? Like--

SCOTT EVANS: If I broke my bone, it's just--


SCOTT EVANS: --you know, that's not what the hospitals need right now.

MATT FORTE: Precisely.

SCOTT EVANS: They are very busy. They're busy.

MATT FORTE: Precisely. How's the pooch doing? How's the dog? I saw--

SCOTT EVANS: The dog is great. The dog is-- I can't-- I just can't imagine if I-- I flew back to Massachusetts to be with my family and kind of, you know, ride this out with them back a couple weeks ago.


SCOTT EVANS: I just kind of assumed that I think this was going to be something bigger than it was, you know, being made out to be. And so I left LA, and I'm back staying at my brother's house with his dog. And I can't imagine if I didn't have an animal, just an animal that has no idea what's going on and is still there--


SCOTT EVANS: --and is still in a good mood every day and wants to sit with you.

MATT FORTE: Totally stoked that you're around all the time. Like, loves it.

SCOTT EVANS: Oh, dogs are winning in this equation.

MATT FORTE: Yeah, exactly.

SCOTT EVANS: I've heard a couple of friends tell stories, though, about their dogs are starting to get, like, a little-- like a little worried. And they're getting kind of-- they're always next to them, because they know something's up. They're like, why are you-- why are you here all the time? Also--


SCOTT EVANS: --can you leave so I can have some alone time?

MATT FORTE: Yeah, exactly. I used to do stuff during the day when you went to work, man.

SCOTT EVANS: Yeah. He's like, I need some relaxation.

MATT FORTE: Yeah, for sure. So that's why-- I was trying to figure that out. The haircut, the famous haircut now, that you gave yourself.

SCOTT EVANS: I can't-- Matt, it's so silly.

MATT FORTE: It blew up, man. It went crazy.

SCOTT EVANS: Well, it blew up and, like, now it's becoming an-- you know, I did it very early on in the quarantine process.


SCOTT EVANS: And now everybody is just like, whatever you do, don't shave your head. I know it's a dark time-- you know, making jokes about it. I'm just like, all right, everybody, calm down.


SCOTT EVANS: You know, I didn't expect it to be a giant thing. But it was like-- it's funny 'cause, like, I did it myself. And then I had my brother shave a couple spots.

MATT FORTE: Shaped it up, yeah.

SCOTT EVANS: And then, of course, people saw the video. And it's like, is there anything Captain America can't do? He cuts hair.

MATT FORTE: Of course they talk about that. Yeah.

SCOTT EVANS: Of course it is. Of course.

MATT FORTE: Did you return the favor? Did you cut Chris's hair as well or no?

SCOTT EVANS: He had done it. He had done it that morning. And he was like-- he's like, you do yours. I was like, no, absolutely not. And then, you know, as the news cycle progressed, it was sort of like, I'm not going anywhere for a while.


SCOTT EVANS: So let's cut it. But then this morning, I tried to give myself a little trim on the sides, and I--

MATT FORTE: Hence the hat. OK.

SCOTT EVANS: --I used the wrong length. And so it's a little short on the side.

MATT FORTE: Oh, no. It looks great. I could never-- I wish I could. I have a-- I mean, I've never shaved it, so I don't know. But I believe this to be true of myself. I believe I have an odd-shaped head, so I don't think I could do the buzz.

SCOTT EVANS: I always thought that, too, and my brother is convinced I don't. So now I'm like, am I a shaved head guy? Who knows. I mean, the back-- I can't see what I'm doing in the back, so it's going to be like--

MATT FORTE: It's full length in the back, exactly.

SCOTT EVANS: Oh, yeah. It's like fully Joe Exotic.

MATT FORTE: Oh my gosh. What a style icon to emulate right now.

SCOTT EVANS: I mean, he's one to-- one to emulate, for sure.

MATT FORTE: Style and only style shall we emulate from Joe Exotic.

SCOTT EVANS: Well, yeah.

MATT FORTE: Everything else he could have. Let me ask you this. I saw-- before we get into the movie-- because I do want to talk about the film that you did, which is fantastic. But before we get to that, speaking of films-- and we've been asking everybody what they're watching-- I saw you had, like, a little mini film fest with your brother. You watched "Fast Forward." Again, this was weeks ago.


MATT FORTE: What have you-- what have you been watching since? What have you been doing to keep yourself--

SCOTT EVANS: We actually-- we made a-- every time we think of a movie from our childhood, we'll put it on our movie quarantine list.


SCOTT EVANS: And we've been kind of checking them off as we go. And we hit-- we started-- it's been a lot of animated, but we did "Rescuers Down Under" the other night, which was fantastic. And then we got into "Oliver and Company." And then we watched-- wait, what was the-- "American Tail." And "American Tail" is--

MATT FORTE: A lot of people sweep on "American Tail," but it's amazing.

SCOTT EVANS: Incredible, incredible movie. And so it was Don Bluth. And so then we just got into "Land Before Time" and "Rock-a-Doodle" and so on.

MATT FORTE: "All Dogs Go to Heaven," my personal favorite.

SCOTT EVANS: "All Dogs Go to Heaven," "Secret Man." Those are all on the list.

MATT FORTE: Yeah. Good list to have.

SCOTT EVANS: Oh, yeah.

MATT FORTE: Well, speaking of movies that make people feel good, I know it's like-- it feels weird talking about stuff and promoting things for a lot of people right now. But genuinely, I watched this movie, and it really-- I really dug it. And I think it's a great movie for right now. It is kind of a feel-good movie. I'm talking about "Almost Love."

And I'm really excited for it to come out and for people to see it. How did you get involved in "Almost Love"? How did-- how did this become a project on your radar?

SCOTT EVANS: Well, first of all, thank you. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. That's fantastic. This was summer or, like, I guess May/June of 2018. I got the script. My manager was like, they want you to put yourself on tape for this. And I read it. And I remember reading the script and sort of seeing, you know, a lead gay character, just being like, oh, this seems kind of normal. Why does this seem so normal to me? And I don't read scripts like this every day.

So it was very exciting to, you know-- for one, just to see that and, for two, the fact that I could potentially be a part of it. And so I end up self-taping. And then I Skyped with Mike Doyle, our director, and ended up getting it. And we went to New York and shot it in, I think, 19 days.


SCOTT EVANS: And it was really hot. And a lot of times we didn't have AC, so I was very sweaty. But aside from that, it was such a great thing to be part of. And the cast was just-- it was like a dream cast. All those people were like-- some of them I didn't even know before. And now it's like upset.

MATT FORTE: Yeah. No, for sure. It looks like one of those casts that, like, you guys were having fun while making it kind of.

SCOTT EVANS: Oh, yeah, you had to. You had to. And if not, we would have-- we would have died from the heat.

MATT FORTE: Yeah. One of the things that that was really interesting about it is I think so many romantic comedies, you see the meet cute and the relationship grow and blossom over time. This one, for you guys at least, your relationship, we enter it, like, five years deep. And that's such an interesting time. There's so much history and baggage and so much that comes along with being five years deep into a relationship. How did you and Augustus kind of prepare for that and find that so that you could walk into this world and be someplace that's existed for five years prior?

SCOTT EVANS: Yeah, well, and I didn't-- I didn't know Augie at all going into it. And I think we met for one day before we started to rehearse, because it was all kind of compacted. And you know, it was low budget and short time frame to shoot it. So it was kind of like we had to fall into it. And I think one of the things that really, I think, helped with that is the fact that we are both gay, out gay actors.

And so the comfort level was instantly there. And we were able-- you know, we knew a lot of people in common, too. And so I think one of the first days was, like, one of our more romantic scenes. And it was sort of just-- it kind of just clicked right away for us, which I think was really, really nice.

And you don't get to-- like you said, the movie kind of starts with them at their five-year mark in the relationship where everything has happened. You don't watch this couple progress. You kind of got to be at that point. And I think the writing kind of spoke for itself in the scenes that we kind of started with before we had to get to comfortable with each other. Mike kind of gave us that in the beginning.

MATT FORTE: This-- and you said you didn't know Augustus. I don't know if I know him well enough to call Augie, but I would love to be able--


MATT FORTE: OK, great. So you-- [LAUGHS] you met Augie on this production. So I assume that means you guys did this first, because you're all-- the two of you are also together in the thing on Hulu.

SCOTT EVANS: Yes. "Midnight Kiss."

MATT FORTE: "Midnight Kiss."

SCOTT EVANS: "Into the Dark," yeah.

MATT FORTE: So that's-- so that happened after the fact, then? This was first?

SCOTT EVANS: Yeah, we shot "Almost Love" summer 2018. And then last summer, 2019, we both got cast in this. And so now we make a joke. It's like our summer thing where we have--

MATT FORTE: Yeah, once it's summer, you guys--

SCOTT EVANS: --although the latest thing was a little more murdery than "Almost Love."

MATT FORTE: I was going to say, completely different tone.

SCOTT EVANS: Little bit.

MATT FORTE: But what a fun summer camp to keep going back to.

SCOTT EVANS: Oh, yeah.

MATT FORTE: What was that like to work with Augie again but in this completely different environment, different time, different project?

SCOTT EVANS: Well, it was funny because when I found out that I got "Midnight Kiss," they were saying that there were some offers out to other people to play, like, the part opposite me. And I was like, well, who is it. And they were like, well-- they had also said they wanted to cast out actors. And they said you've-- I can't say who, but, like, you've worked with them before.

And so I went through, like, my whole list. I was like, who have I worked with, who could it be.


SCOTT EVANS: And I was just like, it's going to be Augie. It's going to be Augie. And so I texted him. I was just like, hey, did you-- are you going in-- he's like, yeah, I'm in for it right now. I was like, I knew it, you motherfucker.


SCOTT EVANS: Ooh, language.

MATT FORTE: It's the internet. You can-- you can say anything.

SCOTT EVANS: All right, sweet.

MATT FORTE: It's the least of anyone's concerns right now.

SCOTT EVANS: [LAUGHS] Yeah, hopefully.

MATT FORTE: There's a really funny and kind of cute moment where Adam, like, pretends to be flying in a doorway, so like to get Marklin to pay attention to him. And I was curious. Was that something-- was that silly thing, like, written in the script? Or was that, like, a thing you've done before? Like, where did that little moment come from?

SCOTT EVANS: You what's funny is it was written in the script, but I remember first reading of the script, second reading of the script, even going into the day reading the script, I didn't really understand what it was describing.

MATT FORTE: Hard to describe, yeah.

SCOTT EVANS: I couldn't-- I was like, on the chair? And then when we got into the room that day, Mike kind of showed me. And I was like, oh, oh. I was only supposed to be flying, but then I started waving. And you know, we started having fun with it. I remember when I first read it, I was like, I don't know what that means.

MATT FORTE: What is this?

SCOTT EVANS: But it sounds cute.

MATT FORTE: Yeah, I hope it's not a weird move.

SCOTT EVANS: Yeah. It's very strange, but you know, Michael's like, it's like their thing. I was like, is this-- is this true to life, Mike? Do you do this?

MATT FORTE: I was going to say, did Mike used to do this?

SCOTT EVANS: I don't know. If he did, then he's got to get new material.

MATT FORTE: [LAUGHS] Were there little things that, you know, working with Augie that you guys kind of found together, like little things like similar to that that you would sort of pepper in throughout it? Or was, like, 99% of it there for you on the page?

SCOTT EVANS: I mean, a lot of it was-- was on the page. I think the more important aspect of it was finding that connection and that relationship. And I think it's so funny, because the way Augie and I are in real life, it kind of, like, would come across-- like we-- we never really butted heads. But we had two very different ways of going about doing things.

And I think in doing that, it showed up in the scenes, and it worked for that relationship, which I thought was-- ended up being very nice. But I-- you know, I'm very much type A Virgo. I like-- I like having my lines. I like-- you know, I like to play and everything, but Augie loves to just play around and do whatever. And I think--

MATT FORTE: Just have fun with it.

SCOTT EVANS: Well, yeah, and having that balance out, and I think it balanced out in a nice way.

MATT FORTE: Yeah, for sure. We mentioned Mike just a moment ago. This is his directorial debut. What was it like working with him--


MATT FORTE: --for his first film?

SCOTT EVANS: Oh my god. Mike-- it was incredible. This was my first time ever being number one, as they call it, like on the call sheet.

MATT FORTE: On the call sheet. Sets the tone, yeah.

SCOTT EVANS: And I remember not knowing what a big deal this was. And one of my first phone conversations with Mike, he was like, so yeah, you know, number one gets to New York tomorrow. And I was like, huh, number one. And I was like, that's right. And then I'm looking at, like, two, three, four, five, six, seven. And it's like Augie and Kate Walsh and Michelle Vito and Zoe Chao and Colin Donnell and Patti Clarkson. And I was like, I should not be the number one for these--

MATT FORTE: How am I number one?

SCOTT EVANS: --two through 10. How did this happen? And so having Mike there, he-- and he knew that. And he-- you know, not, like, held my hand in, like, you know, oh, he guided me through it, but, like, literally, he held my hand. And he-- any questions I had, there was nothing that was, you know, out of the realm of possibility of a question. And he helped me with everything. And he knew exactly what to say. And him being an actor himself--

MATT FORTE: Exactly.

SCOTT EVANS: --I think translates always so well to a director, because they know what to say. They know what to do. They know what you need, what you don't need. And--


SCOTT EVANS: --he really made the whole experience incredible for me.

MATT FORTE: Yeah, I had read-- I forget where it was. But I saw you talk specifically-- I think it was the day that you had to shoot the scene with Adam's father, you said that Mike was amazing and instrumental in helping you get where you needed to be.

And I was curious. Was it-- was it his approach that resonated with you? Was it something he said? Was it just his energy? Like, what was it that was so special?

SCOTT EVANS: I think he sensed-- I think he sensed in me-- I have some very personal connections to that scene, in particular to a relationship with a father figure. And I think that day, I was-- I was getting a lot inside my head. And it ended up me just being-- I was a little fidgety, a little doing too much and, like, thinking too much. And I was getting inside my head.

And I remember he just kind of came in and, you know, just leveled with me. And he was like, I promise. Just-- just say the words. Just look right at them, and just be in the scene. And as-- he was-- I think he told me in one take-- he's like, try not to blink for this entire take.

And I think doing that take, it was sort of like focusing on that took away all my other shit. And just being able to connect with the scene was sort of like, OK, now we can do this. And I think that particular day, he really just knew exactly what, you know, needed to happen for me and for the scene.

MATT FORTE: For sure. I'm going-- I got to let you go in just a second because we're almost coming to the end here.


MATT FORTE: But I wanted to ask-- anytime I have an opportunity to speak with someone who's had some time working on a soap opera, I always ask them about it. Because the universal thing that I've heard is like, for a lot of actors, it's like boot camp where, you know, you're drilling and you learn so much.

And I'm curious. You-- over 130 some-odd episodes on "One Life to Live." I know this was, like, a decade and change.


MATT FORTE: But, like, was there anything that you learned all those years ago that has stuck with you to this day, something that you carried with you as an actor as you moved from project to project?

SCOTT EVANS: You know, I will say, when people say the whole, like, boot camp thing, what it is, it just-- it's a really good lesson in how to come prepared, because most times you're going to get one take to do it. And if you don't do the lines right, or if you do get the lines right but you don't do the scene right, you know, they're going to say cut, we're moving on, because they've got to produce five episodes a week, five hour-long episodes a week.

And so knowing-- going into a day with-- you know, some days it would be, like, 30 pages of dialogue. You just gotta go in with your shit memorized and prepared to work for that day, because it moves pretty fast.

MATT FORTE: Yeah. Yeah, there's no room for--

SCOTT EVANS: But I loved it. It was the best.

MATT FORTE: Yeah, yeah. That's what I hear is, like, there's no room to be precious about any of it.

SCOTT EVANS: Oh, yeah.

MATT FORTE: You have to make decisions, stick to them, believe in them, and keep going.


MATT FORTE: Pretty wild.

Dude, congratulations on this awesome film--

SCOTT EVANS: Thank you.

MATT FORTE: --that is coming out this Friday, April 3, VOD and digital, "Almost Love." People should check it out, for sure add it to their list of quarantine viewing. And thank you for hanging out with us and being here today and taking some time to do this--

SCOTT EVANS: Of course.

MATT FORTE: --this weird thing that we're all pretending is normal now.

SCOTT EVANS: I mean, this is it.

MATT FORTE: [LAUGHS] This is it. I-- at the end day, I'm just so happy that you're doing well, and you're healthy, rollerblade incident aside, and the pooch is good and the family's good. Continue to stay safe, and stay where you are. And keep doing what you're doing there.

SCOTT EVANS: Same to you. Same to you.

MATT FORTE: Thank you so much. Good luck on future haircuts. And--

SCOTT EVANS: [LAUGHS] I'm sure there'll be a few more.

MATT FORTE: I believe it, man. Next time we do this, let's do it in person. Come to New York and see us--

SCOTT EVANS: Yes, absolutely.

MATT FORTE: --all right? Thanks so much, man. Scott Evans, everybody.

SCOTT EVANS: Thank you.