Accio Help: Real Hogwarts Express Train Rescues Family Stranded in the Scottish Highlands

Accio Help: Real Hogwarts Express Train Rescues Family Stranded in the Scottish Highlands

A family needed a bit of magic when their canoe was swept away in a storm, but they never expected the real-life Hogwarts Express to come to their rescue.

The Cluett family had been staying in a remote area in the Scottish Highlands when their boat floated away in a swollen river, according to the BBC.

“The burn was overflowing. The entire area was underwater,” Jon Cluett told the outlet. “The rocks I’d tied the boat to were pulled apart and the boat was gone.”

Without the boat, Jon, Helen and their four children — ages 6, 8, 10 and 12 — faced an difficult three-mile trek back to their car.

They phoned the police for help and received an unexpected surprise — the next train coming by was the Jacobite, also known as the steam train used in the Harry Potter movies as the Hogwarts Express.

“I’m slightly sad because I’d lost my boat,” Jon told the BBC. “But the kids, when they saw the steam train coming, all sadness left their little faces and was replaced by excitement and fun — just the real joy of having an adventure and having the train stop right next to them.”

The Jacobite is used for excursions on the West Highland Railway Line, which crosses the Glenfinnan Viaduct also shown in the beloved film series.

The family were dropped off at the next stop, where Jon was able to hitch a ride and retrieve his car, according to the BBC.

“The kids have certainly had an adventure. We’ve all had an adventure,” he said. “A big thanks to everyone who helped us.”

But the father is still holding out hope that his boat is found.

“I think it will still be bobbing around in the loch somewhere,” he said. “A big red canoe — so if you see it, that would be helpful. That would make the last part of the story even better.”