Abortion prevents a legacy of trauma for childhood pregnancies: Opinion

How should pregnant children be helped, supported and cared for in order to preserve and protect their lives?

The news that a 10 year old in Ohio was pregnant shocked our sensibilities: preadolescent pregnancy implicitly declares that a rape has happened to this young body. When we are overwhelmed, avoiding or denying difficult truths can be an effective short-term strategy to shield ourselves and maintain our belief in a just world. Unfortunately, this horrific reality is faced by those who do not have this luxury: victimized children, their families and their health care providers.

Developing public policy should encompass all that we know from research in developmental and trauma psychology and in obstetric and pediatric health care −not just what we wish to be true, or what we wish to be certain. A sense of certainty allows our brains to settle and to be at ease. Certainty is seductive. Unfortunately, most real life situations have a range of “right and wrong” to navigate and prioritize.

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An Abortion-rights supporter chanted from a car while she held a sign during a Fourth of July protest against the June SCOTUS ruling that triggered many states to ban abortion. July 4, 2022
An Abortion-rights supporter chanted from a car while she held a sign during a Fourth of July protest against the June SCOTUS ruling that triggered many states to ban abortion. July 4, 2022

While some girls begin to menstruate at this early age, none are developmentally ready for sexual decision-making or the awesome responsibility and physicality of pregnancy and motherhood. Kentucky already recognizes this in the stipulations of rape detailed in KRS Chapter 510 of our state laws. This legislation is based firmly on our understanding of our children’s needs and developmental capacities.

Children who have been sexually abused, coerced (tricked) or forced into sexual acts experience their own body as a “scene of the crime.” Survivors often feel contaminated by disgust, shame and a state of constant overwhelm. This is trauma: an experience that overwhelms someone’s coping resources at the time of the event or events. The younger we are, the fewer resources we have inside ourselves and the more we must rely on others to help us to survive and thrive.

If pregnancy results from rape, the trauma experienced by the child does not end. Coping with a discrete event (with a beginning, middle and end) is far more manageable than with repeated or sustained traumatic events over time.

Pregnancy and childbirth encompass a long series of events happening in and to your body. If pregnancy is the outcome of a rape, every moment for nearly 10 months becomes a reminder of the overwhelming terror of the events that led to this state of your body. Social costs likely include being exiled from school, friends, sports and other social activities. The experience of assault continues and this overwhelmed, fearful, agitated, traumatized state of body and mind persists well beyond pregnancy – this is accumulated trauma.

Disallowing the 10 year old from Ohio the opportunity to end this assault on her body would have fueled a legacy of trauma −shaping her life and the lives of possible future children. This is exactly what recent longitudinal research like the 2016 Turnaway Study suggests: adult women denied an abortion experience a number of long-term emotional and relational problems including chronic pain, migraines, anxiety disorders and poorer maternal bonding.

Clinical experience and research shows us that accumulated unresolved trauma carries high risk for debilitating long term obstacles: persistent fears, depression, anxiety, attention and focus problems, addictions, self-harm, suicidality and difficulty bonding with future offspring.

The pregnant child may survive, but at what cost?

Forced pregnancy and childbirth imposes substantial physical risks to the child. For adult women giving birth, mortality estimates in the U.S. are 14 times the rate as for induced abortions. Dr. Ashok Dyalchand was cited in the New York Times describing childbirth mortality rates for 16 to 19 year old girls being twice as high than for women over 20, and that girls under 15 years have a much higher risk than their older adolescent peers.

A safe, legal termination of this pregnancy protects this child from further emotional, psychological and physical harm that forced pregnancy and childbirth would inflict. Her experience of abortion is that of a medical procedure −noted by the World Health Organization as among the safest outpatient procedures in the U.S. She is anesthetized for her surgery by supportive medical staff and wakes up in recovery. With support, she can now begin her work to heal, allowing the best chance to regain her developmentally appropriate path through her adolescence into adulthood.

Our societal contract should be to prevent, reduce and heal trauma, not to inflict it. Choosing the best path forward for these young girls is really a choice of the “least worst”; they have no path that does not include an overwhelming trauma.

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These girls do not have to be sacrificed: they can be provided a path in which risk for long-term severe and negative consequences for herself and her family is reduced and healing starts sooner rather than later.

Dr. Katie McBride is Licensed Psychologist in Louisville who specializes in the treatment of trauma and is a Past President of the Kentucky Psychological Association.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Abortion prevents legacy of trauma for childhood pregnancies: Opinion