Aaron Rodgers and Chris Paul Show Off Trick Shots on ‘Dude Perfect’

On The Dude Perfect Show, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers and Los Angeles Clippers player Chris Paul joined the dudes for some amazing trick shots. To help encourage the superstar athletes, the dudes brought in their panda mascot. Neither Rodgers nor Paul have mascots on their teams, so they were happy to have a furry friend cheer them on.

To warm up, Rodgers threw a football almost the length of a basketball court and into a net. He also hit a target off a dude’s head who was jumping on a pogo stick. His most impressive shot was hitting a target to start a Rube Goldberg machine that released a balloon that he threw a ball at to pop.

Paul started by landing a basketball in a net from the stands of the arena. He also hit a deep three-pointer while one of the dudes was sitting on the net, sparing him from any harm. However, the most memorable thing Paul nailed was the celebration dance he choreographed with the Dude Perfect Panda.

The Dude Perfect Show airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on CMT.

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