A ‘Project Runway’ First: Plus-Size Rules the Runway for the Win

The winner of Project Runway Season 14 is Ashley Nell Tipton, who created a 1950s Mexico City–inspired plus-size collection for New York Fashion Week. The first non-size-zero models in Project Runway history walked in a colorful assortment of crop tops, lace, and flowered crowns. Tipton wowed not only the judges but the audience as well, including Kelly Osbourne, who said, “To put plus-size women down a runway at New York Fashion Week takes a lot of confidence, and she pulled it off — and I think she’s amazing.” She received effusive accolades from judge Nina Garcia, who is often seen as the more critical and demanding on the panel. Garcia called her work “brave” and “courageous,” and the fashion editor invited her to talk about “doing something with Marie Claire in the future.”

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