This 86 year-old NJ hot dog enthusiast has his own movie; here's where to watch it

Eighty-six-year-old Harry Baram has an obsession with the most Jersey dish around: the Texas Weiner.

A deep-fried hot dog topped with mustard, diced onion and beanless chili, the sloppy handheld might be the most quintessential edible Garden State staple after Taylor Ham on a roll.

And, swearing he'll go to the grave with a crisp-skinned sausage in his hand, Baram has spent the past eight decades looking for the best one.

Curious where his journey has taken him? Tune into PBS this weekend — because the local Weiner enthusiast officially has his own movie; "One All the Way."

'One All the Way' movie poster.
'One All the Way' movie poster.

The search for Jersey's best hot dog

A former resident of Paterson (born and raised), Baram regularly goes on "hot dog crawls" with his two friends, Ron and Larry. Similar to a pub crawl, the endeavors involve going to approximately five dog joints in one trip to sample various weenies and determine which one is the best.

Not food critics, not YouTubers; the men simply do this for their own enjoyment. To them, Jersey's Texas Weiners are the crème-de-la-crème of all culinary delights.

Texas Wieners from Goffle Grill in Hawthorne.
Texas Wieners from Goffle Grill in Hawthorne.

"When we were 18 years old, my buddies and I used to end our nights at Falls View," Baram said. "And we still do hot dog crawls to this day, at least one a month. I think we've been through 80 of them by now. We never leave the state, because Jersey has the best ones. We like them deep-fried — they taste better. And the sauce? The best sauces we found have always been up here in New Jersey.”

As for the texture:

"The skin gives it a good little crunch," he added.

Harry Baram eats hot dogs with friends Ron (L) and Larry (R).
Harry Baram eats hot dogs with friends Ron (L) and Larry (R).

A lifelong passion leads to a heartbreaking discovery

Realizing his dad's passion was one-of-a-kind, and likely a foreign concept to those outside of Jersey, Baram's son David (a Harvard alumni who now works as a filmmaker in Los Angeles) decided to turn the lifelong dog chase into a movie.

In 2021, "One All the Way" — a documentary following Baram and his friends as they indulge in Jersey's best greasy grub — was born.

But, when the trio jumped in front of the camera in Paterson? Their former home town, they discovered, wasn't what it used to be.

Baseball stadiums vacant, buildings toppled and streets rampant with crime, the city was a shell of its once-vibrant shelf; abandoned by the country it used to serve.

In a heart-wrenching climax, Baram arrives at the site of his beloved Falls View Grill, only to find it gone; replaced with a run-down Burger King (which, in the short seconds we saw of it, looked like it was on death's door, too).

Falls View Grill, a once-famous Texas Weiner joint, is now closed.
Falls View Grill, a once-famous Texas Weiner joint, is now closed.

Hot dogs with a side of hope

"One All the Way," is a poignant short film that deals with themes of aging and loss, as well as larger issues of poverty and immigration. It's a touching story of passion and friendship, and a love letter to the city that Paterson used to be.

"I have to believe there’s going to be some change," Baram (now a resident of North Haledon) said of Paterson. "There’s some things I read in the paper that — if they transpire — have got to be a stepping stone for the city. I just hope in my lifetime I see something good. You have to believe there’s going to be something good."

To watch Harry, Larry and Ron's full journey — from hot dogs to heartbreak — tune into your local PBS station Saturday Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. or Sunday Jan. 7 at 5 a.m.

And, if you miss those dates? Stream all the chili-topped action any time on Apple TV, Vudu or Google Play.

Kara VanDooijeweert is a food writer for and The Record. If you can't find her in Jersey's best restaurants, she's probably off running a race course in the mountains. Catch her on Instagram: @karanicolev & @northjerseyeats, join our NorthJerseyEats Facebook group, and sign up for her North Jersey Eats newsletter.

This article originally appeared on PBS to premiere a movie all about New Jersey hot dogs