Here Are All The Obvious Signs In "White Lotus" That Revealed Who Was Going To Die

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The White Lotus Season 2 just ended, and we FINALLY found out who died!


Obviously, don't go any further if you haven't seen the episode.


But if you have, then I have eight super-obvious hints that *that person* was going to die all along.


First off, let's get it out of the way. This is who dies:

Woman saying "These gays, they're trying to kill me"

The gays (kind of) got her.

Tanya on the phone saying "He was kinda fucking his uncle"

OK, so now, let's get into all the clues...

1.Let's start way back in Episode 1 when Tanya was getting off the boat.

Right from the get-go, Tanya had a hard time getting off that boat.


Which, like, looking back now...RED FLAG!

Valentina the concierge

2.Then there's the *pretty obvious* hint that Tanya was wearing the same dress as The Godfather mannequin.


That character, Apollonia, in The Godfather also dies.

3.Then there was the time Tanya and Greg were going for a scooter ride.

Tanya with Valentina and husband Greg asking, "Guess who I am?"

When Tanya asks Valentina who she is, Valentina says Peppa Pig.

Valentina saying "Peppa Pig"

Tanya corrects her and says she's Monica Vitti.

Monica with Greg saying "I'm Monica Vitti"

And Valentina says that Monica Vitti is dead.

Valentina saying "Monica Vitti's dead, but yes"

Fun fact: The Peppa Pig line was improvised.

4.Then there was the time during the first episode when Tanya pushed Greg off of her while they were having sex.

Tanya said she was disassociating and seeing all these faces of men with "very effeminate" hairstyles.


"And then I saw you, and your eyes were like shark eyes. I was completely dead — just, like, dead," she said.

Tanya in her nightgown looking to the side

5.Another fairly obvious hint was the fact that Tanya went to see the opera Madama Butterfly.

In the opera, the main character kills herself in the end.

6.Another hint happened when Tanya looked at this painting of Lucretia in Palermo. Lucretia was a Roman woman who killed herself.

Tanya looking at the painting

7.There's even a hint in the opening credits.

There appears to be a woman falling into the water from a boat.


8.And lastly, that whole fortune teller scene.

Tarot cards showing the Devil and the Moon, among other cards

The fortune teller told Tanya that her husband was in love with someone else...

Stern-looking woman saying "The cards say your husband is in love with someone else"

...and also being deceitful.

"This card means deceit; he is being deceitful"

Then she started speaking rapidly in Italian.


According to r/TheWhite LotusHBO, the fortune teller was saying in Italian, "The madness will lead her to suicide."

Reddit comment from a month ago asking if that quote is a red herring or foreshadowing

That reading was obviously VERY negative.

Tanya saying "This is very negative"

And they even showed this statue, which was subtitled, *Ominous music playing.*

Close-up of statue's face

So, there you have it! The clues were all around. Can't wait for Season 3!