‘60 Minutes’ explores how deepfake technology is really cool and really dangerous

On 60 Minutes Sunday, journalist Bill Whitaker explored the world of deepfakes and synthetic media, where artificial intelligence is used to make images and videos that are fake but look hyper-realistic.

Whitaker had a deepfake video made of himself that aged him back 30 years, and even had the ability to take away his mustache. He also had a synthetic avatar made of himself that was able to speak words he never actually spoke, only typed into a computer, exactly as he would say them.

And while deepfakes can be used for fun, like the popular Tom Cruise deepfakes on TikTok, Whitaker spoke to one of the first people to write a book on the topic, Nina Schick, who called the technology a “game changer” when it comes to disinformation. Especially due to how fast it is evolving.

“By five to seven years, we are basically looking at a trajectory where any single creator, so, a YouTuber, a TikToker, will be able to create the same level of visual effects that is only accessible to the most well-resourced Hollywood studio today,” Schick said.

Video Transcript

- Chris Ume was able to train his computer to learn every aspect of my face and wipe away the decades. This is how I looked 30 years ago. He can even remove my mustache.

- On Sunday's edition of "60 Minutes," journalist Bill Whitaker went deep into the world of deepfakes and synthetic media, where artificial intelligence is used to make images and videos that are fake but look hyper realistic. And that goes for voices too.

- The words you're hearing were never spoken by the real Bill into a microphone or to a camera. He merely typed the words into a computer, and they come out of my mouth.

- And while deep fakes can be used for fun, like the popular Tom Cruise deep fakes on TikTok, Whitaker spoke to one of the first people to write a book on the topic, Nina Schick, who called the technology a game changer when it comes to disinformation, especially because of how fast it is evolving.

- By five to seven years, we are basically looking at a trajectory where any single creator, so a youtuber, a TikToker, will be able to create the same level of visual effects that is only accessible to the most well-resourced Hollywood studio today.

- Whitaker pointed out that most deepfakes are protected by free speech and that legislation has been all over the map, especially as people try to wrap their heads around such rapidly growing technology.

- How do we as a society grapple with this?

- Just understanding what's going on. Because a lot of people still don't know what a deepfake is, what synthetic media is, that this is now possible.

- And like deepfake Bill Whitaker said, the possibilities are endless and a little frightening.