Superfoods To Help Kids Prevent a Cold

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Winter is here, and so are the chances of your kids catching colds and getting the flu. With an impending winter storm, how are you planning to fight the rough weather? Of course, warm winter wear will help your child to some extent, but you must ensure that your child is warm from within, too. Wondering how to achieve this? Well, with healthy winter superfoods. Here is a list of superfoods to help your little ones prevent colds and fight other infections and allergies.

1. Saffron

Superfoods To Help Kids Prevent a Cold
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Saffron is known to be warm and is rich in carotenoids and bioactive compounds that can help fight against seasonal infections like colds, flu, and fever. Add a pinch of saffron in milk, drink it as tea, or add it to your dishes. Saffron will do wonders for your kid’s immunity. It is one of the best superfoods to prevent cold.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is yet another superfood to prevent colds. It is also effective in treating flu and other viral infections. Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can boost your child’s immune system. You can add a pinch of turmeric to your kid’s milk or veggie dish while cooking.

3. Root vegetables

Superfoods To Help Kids Prevent a Cold
Photo Credit: Getty Images

Make sure to include root vegetables in your kid’s daily diet to keep those sniffles at bay. Carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, and turnips are high in antioxidants and beta-carotene that will boost your kid’s immune system.

4. Dry fruits and nuts

Give your kids a handful of cashew nuts, almonds, walnuts, and pistachios every morning. You can even give them dates to keep them warm from within. These dry fruits and nuts contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They even have other essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and potassium to help your kids fight cold. You can also grind them into fine powder and mix them in milk or add them as a topping to their salad (preferably chopped finely).

5. Soups

There is nothing better than a warm bowl of soup on cold days. Whether it be veggie soup or chicken soup, they are comforting and one of the best superfoods to prevent colds. They provide ample amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to keep flu and more at bay.

6. Meat and fish

Superfoods To Help Kids Prevent a Cold
Photo Credit: Getty Images

Certain meats like beef and pork are high in protein and are the richest food sources of zinc, which plays a significant role in immunity. Even fish have rich protein content and have anti-asthmatic properties. Fish such as pomfret, catfish, anchovies, mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardine, pink perch, and seer fish are known for their immune-boosting and inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids.

Other than these, citrus fruits, jaggery, capsicum, leafy vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are also great superfoods to prevent cold in winter. So, make a list, go grocery shopping, and stock your pantry with superfoods to help your kids fight cold this winter.

The post Superfoods To Help Kids Prevent a Cold appeared first on Momtastic.