6 Major Lessons Hollywood Learned in the 2010s, From Binging to #MeToo

The 2010s were chock full of rapid, disruptive and turbulent change — arguably one of the most explosive eras for the media and entertainment industry: the launch and domination of streaming, the ballooning of movie franchises and the spark of the #MeToo era that brought down some of Hollywood’s most powerful figures. The decade was nothing short of riveting. These major shifts and a few others have helped to define the business of Hollywood and how consumers interact with content and culture in the last 10 years. Let’s dig in. 1. Streaming is the way of the future Streaming began toward the end of the prior decade when YouTube became a staple in online video and Netflix began streaming its licensed content and gaining in popularity. Hulu, along with Netflix, also launched in 2007. But around 2013, Netflix debuted its first original (more like co-produced) series, “House of Cards,” and streaming as we know it today really took off. “House of Cards” proved two things: The content game isn’t exclusive to legacy television and seasons don’t need to roll out one episode at a time. Viewers were shocked when Netflix made all 13 episodes of “House of Cards” available on...

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