5 Fulfilling Things To Do with Your Time Off

I think we can all agree that "spare time" is a rarity. Or, maybe we just use the term busy as an excuse for the self-inflicted feeling of never being able to catch up. But the truth is, we can and do make time off a priority when we really want to (one of the biggest lessons I've learned since becoming a mom!). Have you ever considered literally booking yourself for time off each week—a date with yourself? Not a bad idea right?! You probably have plenty of personal aspirations you'd spend that time on, but here are a few fulfilling activities that might give you a sense of accomplishment.

Pursue a New Hobby

You know all those new hobbies you keep saying you want to try? And then six months go by and you still haven't done those things? You should go do them. Take that flower workshop or cooking class you've been wanting to, buy that film camera you've been wanting to play around with, learn how to play the ukulele... whatever your heart desires. Life is too short to keep saying, I'm going to. Start saying I am.

Research Your Background

I love, love, love looking through old black and white photos of my great great grandparents. But have you ever wondered what goes beyond those photos? Where your ancestors originated from? I personally have yet to do a deep dive into my true roots, but it would be such a fun activity! Have you done it yet?

Catch Up on Some Reading

There's nothing quite like sitting down with a good book to refresh the soul. I personally love to incorporate wellness books into the mix on a regular basis (although that is a bit less frequent lately with a six month old!). From nutrition to meditation to sleep, check out these 5 reads for a relaxing afternoon of reading.

Clean Your House

OK, hear me out on this one. The title of this post doesn't say fun, it says fulfilling. Sure, the last thing you want to do with your time off is clean your house and the pre-cleaning attitude might be better described by the adjective: stubborn. But, I don't think I've ever met a person that doesn't feel even slightly better about life after they've cleaned their house. And I'm not talking about weekly chores, I'm talking about tackling those projects that you've been putting off. You know, that overflowing storage room, the guest bedroom that should be called the catchall room, etc. Every now and then it's important to clear out the clutter in our lives and it can actually be quite fulfilling. Equally, it's important to clear out the clutter in our minds as well. Whether you get out in the fresh air for a hike or meditate, give attention to your soul, too.

Donate Your Time

One of the most fulfilling things you can do is practice selflessness. You can absolutely practice this in your everyday, but try taking a full day off and dedicating it to a cause you feel passionate about. Whether that's volunteering your time at a local animal shelter, visiting a nursing home, helping at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, etc.