49 Times Winston Bishop Was By Far The Best Roommate On "New Girl"

I know Schmidt and Nick get a lot of the love — deservedly so — but personally, I think the best character on New Girl is Winston, whimsical cat dad extraordinaire.


In case you don't agree, here are 49 times Winston was the best damn character on that show.

1.When he had a sobering realization:

Winston: "anything's funny when you put an old man in it....except for the ground"

2.When he had a valid question for Nick:

Winston asking Nick, "Do you realize I say goodnight to you every night and you never say goodnight back? What is the problem, Nick? Do you not want me to have a good night?"

3.When he had an interesting response to a question in a flashback about whether or not he was a virgin:


4.When he was practicing asking a girl out and had a little trouble:

Winston says, "I was wondering, like, if you wanted to...perchance..." And Daisy replies "Perchance? Really?" Winston says, "You're a swell kind of gal...AY GIRL WHAT YOUR NAME IS?"

5.And when he was having a little trouble talking to women yet again:


6.When he was attracted to a girl and...it was a little strange:

Winston saying "I want to French-braid that girl's hair. I want to French-braid that hair so good"

7.When he tried to express his love for his girlfriend:

Winston on the phone saying "I want the air that you breathe to be the air coming directly from out of my mouth. I want to just be passing air back and forth between each other until it's mostly carbon dioxide and then we both pass out and die"

8.When he left this voicemail for Cece:

Winston fires off a fast-talking voicemail where he introduces himself as "Winnie the Bish AKA Brown Lightning" and tells Cece that Schmidt "dropped fawn like a bad habit, so ain't nobody riding shotgun"

9.When he got a little *too* into his puzzle:

Him singing "I'm gonna do. you, puzzle! Right on the table; as nasty as you want to be"

10.When he got a little freaked out by the prospect of spending the night in the desert:

Winston telling Nick, "The werewolves come out at night, man. I don't want nobody to eat me! I got thick thighs! I got a fat ass!"

11.When he was all of us when we're alone in the car:


12.When the roommates woke Winston up on a Saturday with their noise, and Winston pretended to be Nick's lover to drive out the fighting girls Nick brought home:

"I am Theodore K Mullins and Nick is my lover on the down low. Tell her, Nick how it really goes down ... Oh great Negro spiritual, come down and loose these chains on this woman. flesh on flesh, when the lights are off we are all the same"

13.And when, in the same episode, he said this:


14.When Winston wasn't afraid to tell Jess's mom her cooking was subpar:

Winston saying "I don't want to lie to you, so I'm not...there's shells all in these eggs"

15.When he knew where he stood:


16.When he didn't ask the brightest question:

Schmidt: "Guess you think I'm pretty dim, huh? A man who can't do laundry" Winston: "You weren't born this way, were you?"

17.When he was confused about how rulers worked:

Winston says he's never told anyone this, but he doesn't know how to use a ruler — he asks how you start, at the edge or the first tick?

18.And when he finally learned how, and got a little too excited about measuring the width of his smile:

Winston says the best way to express his joy is by measuring his smile - he says he can't see what it measures and needs somebody else to read it, then says he wants to do it, and has to turn it over

19.When he realized he was colorblind:

Jess tells Winston his shoes are green, and Schmidt says "Winston! If you think those shoes are brown, what color do you think you are?"

20.When he gave a dramatic reading of Nick's zombie book:

Winston reads aloud about Mike Jr. and Mike Sr., who suck. Nick says that's a major theme in the book. Winston continues to read ridiculous dialogue and points out a character that's introduced then forgotten about

21.When he couldn't hold it together at Nick's dad's funeral:


22.When he kept it real with Cece:

Winston asks Cece to look him in the eyes and say she has no feelings for Schmidt - she says it while looking at Schmidt and Winston says "dude, you are nowhere near my eyes"

23.When he was trying to give Cece advice and had a little trouble remembering the saying he was thinking of:

"Look, don't slink your head in the dumps. You gotta raise your hand with the sunshine, where - people walk, you know? Because that's what the whole point of the-when the- 'cause, if you can lead them to water, but you can't make a sound! Right?"

24.When Winston lost Bucky the badger in the vents and accepted his impending death:

Winston says, "I'm just staying positive, but I'm pretty sure this is where we die"

25.And then became philosophical:

Winston in the vents saying "Guys, you know...I've been thinking a lot about the earth. We gotta leave it better than when we found it. ... You know, sometimes I feel like I never really felt love, you know? You know?"

26.And then he took time to give Nick some sage advice even when he was bleeding out:

Nick says he and Jess called it off and now he's going to drink because that's his move — Winston says that was Nick's dad's move too and there are other moves and encourages him to go before asking the bartender to call an ambulance

27.When Winston teased Cece for checking out Schmidt:


28.When he told the parents of one of Jess's students that their daughter was awful:

"Your daughter sucks, okay? She is the demon seed. She is the spawn of Satan. And I do believe I speak for the entire human race when I say that people like her should not be building robots"

29.When Winston was NOT here for Reagan refusing to be friends with the roommates:


30.When the roomies caught Winston treating his cat like a human:

Winston singing "Winston and Ferguson about to split some pasta!"

31.Similarly, when Winston referred to Jess as his cat's sister:


32.And he said he had inside jokes with Ferguson:


33.And referred to him as his "blood":


34.When he solved the problems of the apartment while humbling every member, including himself:

Winston says Nick and Jess need to shut up because they're just having sex, not inventing it. Then he tells Schmidt to stop taking it out on everyone and deal with his breakups, then says there's no way he has a cat brothel and is still the most normal

35.When he couldn't stop procrastinating:


36.When he made fun of Schmidt's thick toenails:

Winston: "I mean, I have never wondered if you could shimmy up a palm tree." Schmidt: "But it's because I have a keratin surplus. I mean, they're not that bad, look at these things!" Winston: "Ah! Schmidt! It looks like an open Swiss Army knife!"

37.When he was very qualified for a job, and he knew it:

Winston: "I know Word. And I can open a document...save it, save as, print, print preview"

38.When Winston took the blame for the whole apartment:

Nick: "So I've decided to give up on women and put all that energy into...tomatoes!" Winston: "You know what: It was on us for thinking this wasn't going to be stupid"

39.When Nick did a horrible Eddie Murphy impression and Winston said this:

"Was that your Eddie Murphy? That was so bad, it wasn't even offensive"

40.When nobody celebrated Winston's birthday, so he bought himself a cake:


41.But then Jess's dad ruined it for him:


42.When he insisted on going wedding dress shopping with Cece and got a little too into it:

Winston asks if Cece is bringing a strapless bra or if she needs "booby tape" then says he did a bunch of research on wedding dresses and tells her to show some clavicle

43.Like...really into it:


44.And then later, when he tried to convince the stylist to take Cece's return by pretending to be a minor:

Winston says they're serving liquor without a license and the stylist says it's legal since they don't charge — Winston says he's a minor, and the woman asks if he's a 17-year-old cop, and Winston says he's a prodigy

45.When he had a few too many tropical cocktails:


46.When he referred to himself as "Prank Sinatra":


47.Even though he was terrible at pranks:

Jess tells Winston all his pranks are either too big or too small — it flashes to 2 pranks, one where Winston registered Nick as a sex offender, and one where he put a blueberry in Nick's cereal

48.Like, really bad:

Winston pranks Cece's mom by putting a feather in her shoe, which he cracks up at

49.And finally, when he had trouble being casual:

Nick tells Winston to act casual when Reagan gets there, and practicing, Winston says "As I leave and breathe? Raisin? Ah, did I say Raisin?"

Did I miss any? What's your favorite Winston moment? Let me know in the comments!