'Saturday Night Live' #TBT: Stefon's St. Patrick's Day and March Madness Picks

It’s mid-March, which means spring is around the corner, college basketball will be playing on screens, and everyone will raise a glass (or a dozen) on St. Patrick’s Day.

Who better to give advice on New York’s hottest venues to watch March Madness or find the luck of the Irish than Saturday Night Live’s Stefon? In this throwback clip, he’s dishing out tips on the most exclusive, exciting clubs, like the one that hosts a “tournament of everyone’s favorite trivia game, Shaun White or Bonnie Raitt?” or the bar that was opened in a Lady Footlocker by “infamous gay running back, Blowjay Simpson.”

Related: ‘SNL’ Recap: March Madness With Jonah Hill

Like most Stefon bits, Bill Hader can barely keep it together as he talks about “heprechauns” (leprechauns with Hepatitis C) or “hoombas” (human Roombas, or when you put a little person on a skateboard). Don’t worry, Bill, we’re cracking up just like you.

Saturday Night Live airs a new episode this weekend with host Ariana Grande.