37 Times Rachel Green Proved She’s Underratedly Hilarious

1.Rachel's impeccable takedown.

Chandler says, Rachel, when you were going out with Ross, did it bother you when he flirted with other women, and Rachel says, Uh, no, no, it bothered me when he slept with other women
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2.When she and Joey both know something.

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3.When she and Phoebe get back at Ross and his "unagi."

4.The side salad.

Rachel says, Okay, I will have the side salad, the server says, And what would that be on the side of, and Rachel says, I dont know, why dont you just put it right here next to my water
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5.The definition of different.

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6.When Monica invites Richard's son to Thanksgiving as a quasi-date.

Monica says, Why is it sick, and Rachel says, Because it is Richards son, it is like inviting a Greek tragedy over for dinner
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7.When Rachel has a sip of alcohol before remembering she's secretly pregnant.

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8.Rachel's expression of joy.

Rachel says, I mean, isnt that just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic
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9.The Little Women spoiling.

10.The wordless anger.

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11.Rachel's response to Chandler's compliment after accidentally seeing her topless.

Chandler says, You know, I dont know why you are so embarrassed, they were very nice boobies, and Rachel says, Nice, they were nice, I mean, thats it, I mean, mittens are nice
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12.Plus, tit for tat.

Ross says, Since you saw her boobies, I think you are going to have to show her your peepee, Chandler says, You know, I do not see that happening, Rachel says, Come on, He is right, tit for tat, and Chandler says, Well Im not showing you my tat
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13.The trifle.

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14.Rachel and Ben's prank bonding.

15.When Emma is late and Rachel is so done being pregnant.

Rachel says, I have never been so uncomfortable in my entire life, Phoebe says, I know, Ive been there, I remember toward the end, and Rachel cuts her off to say, Phoebe, thats a great story, could you tell it to me while you are getting me some iced tea
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16.When she uses a metaphor from a self-help book.

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17.When Rachel and her sister, Amy, have the fight to end all fights.

Amy says, Yeah, well you know what I cannot believe, that my so called sister gets a 30 percent discount from Ralph Lauren and I still have to pay retail, Rachel laughs and then says, Its 45
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18.When Rachel has to distract Monica and keep her busy on her wedding day, so Rachel pretends to cry.

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19.Her reaction to her first paycheck.

Rachel says, Who is FICA, Why is he getting all my money
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20.The cheesecake.

21.Rachel's attempt at holding Ben.

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22.The ex-boyfriend bonfire.

Phoebe says, Alright, now we need the semen of a righteous man, and Rachel says, Okay, Pheebs, you know what, if we had that we would not be doing the ritual in the first place
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23.When Ross is on the phone with Julie in a "No, you hang up" competition.

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24.When Rachel has a plan for what she'll get everyone for Christmas.

Rachel says, Wow, eight hours, so you could probably really use one of those plug in telephone headsets, huh, and Ross says, Should we all expect Christmas gifts that can be stolen from your office
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25.Rachel's description of her current position.

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26.Dr. Wiener.

27.The knife in Rachel's back.

Monica says, I feel terrible, I really do, and Rachel says, Oh, Im sorry, did my back hurt your knife
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28.When she panics in a wedding dress shop.

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29.When Ross says he never thinks of money as an issue.

Ross says, Well, um, I, I guess I just never think of money as an issue, and Rachel says, Thats cause you have it
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31.Rachel's cat that's not a cat.

32.When she tries to get with Ross.

In a videotape, Rachel says to Ross, Ross, did I ever tell you about the time that I went backpacking through Western Europe, and the friends watching it gasp and smile
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33.When Rachel meets Joshua's parents while wearing lingerie.

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34.When Rachel destroys Ross with the part of his "con list" that says she has chubby ankles.

Rachel says, Is that him again, tell him Id come to the phone but my ankles are weighing me down
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35.When she breaks Joey's chair, Rosita.

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36.When she's drunk on a date but very into Ross.

37.And finally, the greatest line of all time.

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