34 Movie Scenes That Were So Shocking, People Actually Gasped In The Theater

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which movie scenes were so shocking, they actually gasped while watching them. Here are the best results.

🚨 Spoilers ahead, people! 🚨

1.In Spider-Man: No Way Home, when MJ started to fall to her death — exactly how Gwen Stacy died — but this time, Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker was able to save her at the last second.

Andrew's Spider-Man saving MJ

Here's the full scene:

2.In Parasite, when Moon-Gwang unlocked the hidden door to the basement, unveiling that her husband had been secretly living there.

Moon-Gwang and her husband in the basement

Here's the full scene:

3.In Frozen, when Hans turned out to be the villain and revealed that he was just using Anna.

Anna and Hans next to the fire

Here's the full scene:

4.In The Prestige, when it was revealed that Chistian Bale's character was able to perform the magic tricks because he was an identical twin.

The twins making themselves identical

Here's the full scene:

5.In Promising Young Woman, when Cassie's scheduled texts started to appear on the screen, revealing that she had a backup plan in case she went missing.

Ryan receiving scheduled texts at the wedding

Here's the full scene:

6.In Joker, when it was revealed that Arthur's romantic relationship with Sophie was all in his head and none of it actually happened.

Arthur and the woman in his apartment

"He's the most unreliable narrator, but I still never expected it."



Here's the full scene:

7.In Uncut Gems, when Adam Sandler's character made it through that intense and hectic basketball game, only to be killed moments after winning his ridiculous bet.

Howard getting shot in his gem store




Here's the full scene:

8.In Orphan, when 9-year-old Esther turned out to be a 33-year-old murderer who was trying to seduce her adoptive father, murder him, and then burn the house down.

Esther taking off her makeup in the mirror

Here's the full scene:

9.In Spider-Man: Far from Home, when Mysterio released doctored footage that made Spider-Man look like the villain and then revealed his true identity to the entire world.

Mysterio revealing Spider-Man's identity

"I literally had to lay on the floor to compose myself after this."



Here's the full scene:

10.In Zootopia, when Judy realized that Assistant Mayor Bellwether was behind all of the attacks and was framing predators as savage creatures.

Judy running from Bellwether

"This whole movie is so good and has so many layers to it, so I should have expected this twist, but my jaw dropped."



Here's the full scene:

11.In Searching, when David pieced together that Vick, the cop who led the case on his daughter's disappearance, was the one behind everything.

David realizing Debra Messing's character is the villain
Sony Pictures Releasing

Here's the full scene:

12.In The Usual Suspects, when Kujan realized that every single word out of Verbal's mouth was a perfectly orchestrated lie, and Verbal was actually Keyser Söze.

Kujan looking for Verbal outside of the police station, but he's disappeared

Here's the full scene:

13.In Wreck-It Ralph, when King Candy started glitching, and everyone found out that he was actually Turbo.

Turbo glitching in "Wreck-It Ralph"

—Beverley Carry, Facebook


Here's the full scene:

14.In Us, when it was revealed that Red had been living as Adelaide for decades and the real Adelaide was trapped under the boardwalk.

Lupita Nyong'o in "Us"

Here's the full scene:

15.In Now You See Me, when Dylan, the FBI agent responsible for capturing the Four Horsemen, turned out to be the one who orchestrated the whole heist.

Mark Ruffalo escaping the prison cell

Here's the full scene:

16.In Split, when Bruce Willis's character from Unbreakable appeared in the final scene, revealing that the whole movie was actually a sequel to the one that came out 16 years earlier.

Bruce Willis's character at a diner

Here's the full scene:

17.In Ex Machina, when Ava trapped Caleb in the house and then escaped via the helicopter that was originally sent for him.

Ava killing Oscar Isaac and escaping

Here's the full scene:

18.In Shutter Island, when Leonardo DiCaprio's character realized he was actually a patient at the asylum, not a real US Marshal.

The US Marshal holding a gun in the lighthouse

"The plot twist is mind-blowing. It will throw you off the edge. I honestly never saw it coming."


Paramount Pictures

Here's the full scene:

19.In Avengers: Infinity War, when Thanos ended up sacrificing Gamora — the only thing he ever loved — in order to get the Soul Stone.

Thanos throwing Gamora over the cliff

"This whole scene had me on the edge of my seat, and when he threw Gamora over the ledge my entire theater screamed."



Here's the full scene:

20.In Interstellar, when Mann tricked everyone into thinking his planet could support human life, and then he tried to kill Cooper to cover his tracks.

Matt Damon in "Interstellar"

"Who would have guessed Matt Damon was gonna be the bad guy who faked everything?!"


Paramount Pictures

Here's the full scene:

21.In Coco, when Héctor found out that Ernesto poisoned him and stole all of his songs.

Héctor taking a shot with Ernesto

Here's the full scene:

22.In The Visit, when the mom noticed over video chat that the old people her kids were staying with weren't actually their grandparents, but escaped mental patients.

Becca and Tyler on Skype with their mom

Here's the full scene:

23.In Black Swan, when Nina thought she killed Lily, but the final scene showed that she actually stabbed herself with the broken mirror.

Nina dying in "Black Swan"

"The ending to this movie hurt my brain!"


Fox Searchlight Pictures

Here's the full scene:

24.In Whiplash, when Fletcher ambushed Andrew on stage with the wrong music in an attempt to ruin his career, solely because Andrew testified against him.

The main character of "Whiplash" on stage looking confused

"I was convinced there'd be a traditional happy ending to this movie, but when Miles Teller's character was tricked in front of everyone...I just wasn't expecting it. I audibly gasped."

—Maddy Bryant, Facebook

Blumhouse Productions

Here's the full scene:

25.In The Boy, when Brahms (the doll) was smashed into thousands of pieces, and then a real-life man emerged from inside the walls of the house, meaning he actually survived the fire 20 years ago.

Brahms coming out of the wall

Here's the full scene:

26.In Spider-Man: Homecoming, when Peter went to Liz's house to pick her up for the dance, but her father — who turned out to be Vulture — answered the door.

Liz's dad opening his front door to a surprised Peter Parker

Here's the full scene:

27.In La La Land, when the dreamy montage showed Mia and Sebastian living happily ever after, but then it cut back to reality and Mia was with a different guy.

Ending of "La La Land" when Mia is with a different guy

Here's the full scene:

28.In Snowpiercer, when everyone had been convinced for years that life wasn't sustainable outside the train, but at the end they saw a polar bear roaming safely outside.

A passenger watching a polar bear outside

Here's the full scene:

29.In The Departed, when Costigan captured Sullivan and thought he was finally going to get his life back, but he was immediately killed in the elevator.

Leo DiCpario's character getting shot in the elevator

"I jumped so much when I saw that elevator scene the first time. I still kind of jump."


Warner Bros.

Here's the full scene:

30.In Get Out, when Chris and Rose were trying to escape, and then Rose suddenly broke character and revealed she was going to hold him captive.

Rose keeping the keys from Chris

"This moment freaked me out!"


Blumhouse Productions

Here's the full scene:

31.In Arrival, when the "flashbacks" were actually future memories, meaning Louise and Ian were going to have a daughter and watch her die.

Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner hugging in "Arrival"

"My mind was utterly blown. Still one of my favorite movies to date."


Paramount Pictures

Here's the full scene:

32.In Saw, when the "dead" body on the ground woke up and revealed himself to be Jigsaw, the mastermind behind all of the torture.

Jigsaw waking up, all bloody

Here's the full scene:

33.In Seven Pounds, when it was revealed that Ben actually killed seven people while texting and driving, so he wanted to preserve his body parts and donate them.

Will Smith's character texting while driving and causing an accident

"That death scene with the jellyfish really got me."


Relativity Media

Here's the full scene:

34.And, of course, in Avengers: Endgame, when everyone returned through the portals to help defeat Thanos and save the entire universe.

All of the Avengers assembling

Here's the full scene:

Did your favorite shocking movie moment not make the list? Tell us about it in the comments below!

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and clarity.