34 minutes of high-level Diablo 4 gameplay leaks online

 Diablo 4's villain Lilith walks toward the screen in a dark church
Diablo 4's villain Lilith walks toward the screen in a dark church

Over half an hour of high-level Diablo 4 gameplay was recently streamed online.

As first picked up on by Reddit, a stream appeared to air what looked to be Diablo 4 gameplay. Not only this, but the channel streamed gameplay of a level 100 character, seemingly putting it near the endgame of Blizzard's new action adventure.

The high-level gameplay has been archived and is still available to watch online, showing the Diablo 4 character roaming around one of the in-game zone areas. Oh, and there's a Colonel Sanders overlay on the entire stream, for some reason that we absolutely can't fathom. Perhaps the Colonel has a vested interest in Diablo 4.

The leaked gameplay also shows damage numbers in the millions, which probably isn't unexpected from Diablo 4's endgame. Considering Diablo 3 let some elite-level players do damage numbering in the billions and even trillions, million-level damage in the new game probably isn't a massive shock.

There's also a boss fight against a foe dubbed 'Closed Beta Final Boss.' As catchy as this name sounds, it clearly indicates that this stream originated from a build of Diablo 4 that wasn't meant to go live to the public, or at the very least was meant to be kept behind closed doors until a later date.

While the gameplay is still around, we can't imagine it'll stay that way forever. Expect this gameplay to disappear offline most likely by the end of the coming weekend, right as the closed beta for the game kicks off (for more on that, head over to our guide on when is the Diablo 4 beta).

Check out our guide on how to access the Diablo 4 beta if you're looking to get in on the action over the next few days.