33 TV Characters Who Were Supposed To Be Hated But Became Fan Favorites Anyway

5 years ago, Redditor u/ASwagCashew asked users about characters that were universally hated but ended up becoming fan favorites later throughout the series. Do you agree with these answers? Check them out

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1.Bodie from The Wire

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2.Jamie Lannister from Game of Thrones

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"Jaime Lannister came a long way from pushing a kid out of a tower." — u/StylzL33T

3.James "Sawyer" Ford from Lost

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4.Dr. Gauis Baltar from Battlestar Galactica: Razor

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"Would probably be the closest. He's not my favorite character at the end of BSG but I really don't have any hate for him by the end and he becomes very much more understandable and relatable." — u/Nameless_301

5.John Murphy from The 100

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6.Carver from The Wire

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"Carver deserves a mention too. Go from the classic pretty dumb arrogant cop to one of the most likeable characters in the series." — u/Try_Another_Please

7.Pete Campbell from Mad Men

AMC / Via tenor.com


8.Wesley Wyndam-Pryce from Buffy The Vampire Slayer

20th Century Fox Television / Via tenor.com

"He started as an obnoxious, poncey, jerk, meant only to be wrong about everything. He eventually turned into a tortured anti-hero. His character evolution is just brilliant. One of the best in the history of television, in my opinion." — u/OdoWanKenobi

9.Kramer in Seinfield

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"I remember many people thought he was a bit too weird in the early seasons. People came to love him though." — u/Lukeh41

10.James Cook from Skins

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11.Mickey Milkovich from Shameless

Warner Bros. Television / Via tenor.com


12.Michael Scott from The Office

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"A lot of people couldn't stand him at first. He was super annoying and even a little mean. But by the end, you realized how big a heart he actually had.

The characters actually grew very similar to the audience. They all hated him as their dumb boss at first but we're all sad to see him go. He was horrible to Pam in the beginning, but by the end, she was crying over having to say goodbye." — u/MeatTornado25

13.Andy Dwyer from Parks & Recreation

Universal Television / Via tenor.com

"Andy Dwyer started as Parks & Recreation's answer to The Office's "Roy", then slowly he became irreplaceable." — u/Primetime22

14.Steve from Stranger Things

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"Steve from Stranger Things. I'm guessing he'll steal the show in season 2." — u/HappyGoUnlucky

15.Ahsoka Tano from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series

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"The first one that came to mind for me was Ahsoka Tano from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series." — u/nathaliem92

16.Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones

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"That's a real testament to Sophie Turner's acting ability. She had to play the whiny spoiled girl that just wanted her pretty dresses and prince charming, then had to believably sell the terror of her world crashing around her, and now she is picking up cues from Michelle Fairley's portrayal as her mother. In the hands of a lesser talent, we'd all still be hating her and waiting for her to die already.

The casting director did a hell of a job with all the Stark children. Having to find actors that young that will eventually carry the weight of the show on their shoulders can't be easy." — u/aYearofPrompts

17.Caroline from The Vampire Diaries

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"Caroline on The Vampire Diaries. People thought she was annoying as hell in the beginning, myself included. But her character arc for the first handful of seasons really turned that around." — u/staymad101

18.Bobby from Twin Peaks

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"It's Bobby for me from twin peaks I hated him in the original but like him now." — u/QuackFan

19.Carol from The Walking Dead

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"Her transformation from the weak abused housewife to the complex ruthlessly pragmatic badass she is now is one of the highlights of the show." — u/GregTheGreat

20.Patti from The Leftovers

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"All she was at the beginning was a smug chain-smoking cult leader but as her story was told she became likeable and you could feel some empathy for why she turned out how she did." — u/Fizdiz

21.James Hurley from Twin Peaks

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22.Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Nickelodeon / Via tenor.com

"No one has mentioned Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender?" — u/SelfReconstruct

23.Dan Scott from One Tree Hill

Warner Bros. Television / Via in.pinterest.com


24.Skye / Daisy Johnson from Agents of SHIELD

ABC Studios / Via tenor.com

"Skye / Daisy Johnson from Agents of SHIELD. So damn annoying and whiny in the first season, but badass by Season 3." — u/xeyran

25.Donna Noble from Doctor Who

BBC One / Via tenor.com

"Donna Noble from Doctor Who also greatly improved after a few episodes." — u/PeopleEatingPeople

26.T-Bag from Prison Break

FOX / Via tenor.com

"I always think T-Bag from Prison Break falls into this.

Blah blah evil, criminal but the man did he seem to become everyone's favorite after not too long." — u/Razzler1973

27.Paris Geller from Gilmore Girls

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"Started as a run of the mill high school bitchy rival, and then turned into the best part of the show." — u/Sumjonas

28.Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold from Once Upon a Time

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29.Ruth in Ozark

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30.Mellie Grant from Scandal

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"Mellie Grant from 'Scandal'... I used to despise her character, now I love her." —u/Gato1980

31.Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad

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32.Grant Ward from Agents of SHIELD

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33.Harrison Wells from The Flash

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Are there any TV show characters you hated at first but grew to love? Let me know in the comments section below!