29 Of The Scariest Horror Movies That Were Recommended To Me, A Person Too Afraid To Watch Horror Movies

It's October, and that means it's the one month of the year when I, a person who does not do well with horror movies, am willing to watch at least one. To prepare for the 2023 session, I asked my friends and also the internet to share some of the scariest horror films they've seen. Here's the list; please enjoy.

1.Event Horizon (1997)

Bodies suspended in liquid in a spaceship

2.Lights Out (2016)

Woman in red light looking scared

3.Paranormal Activity (2007)

Home video–style footage of woman in pajamas in a bedroom at night

4.Hereditary (2018)

Toni Collette screaming

5.It Lives Inside (2023)

Woman screaming in the dark

6.The Exorcist (1973)

Regan in bed looking possessed

7.The Thing (1982)

Kurt Russell in a safety suit and goggles

8.Ringu (1998)

Close-up of a creepy black-eyeballed demon with hair over its face

9.The Babadook (2014)

Babadook creature looking like a demented clown with a top hat

10.It Follows (2014)

Woman in a hospital bed with a bandage on her head

All I know of this one is that it was low budget but brilliant, and is about a woman being stalked by a ghost. May or may not watch.


11.The Shining (1980)

Kid riding tricycle in eerie hallway with two twin girls at end of the hall

12.Goodnight Mommy (2014)

Two twin brothers looking scared

13.Shawn of the Dead (2004)

Two men facing a zombie in a misty alley

14.The Witch (2015)

A goat with horns and a young girl in a bonnet in a stable

Apparently, we'll never look at goats the same way after watching this. Am I ready for goats to be ruined forever? Not sure. Let me know if you've seen it.


15.Apostle (2018)

Close-up of a man looking very scared

16.Scream (1996)

A hooded figure in a ghost mask

Seen it, but how could I not include the original Scream on this list? Terrifying stuff. I often think about Drew Barrymore when I'm making popcorn.

Dimenson Films

17.The Conjuring (2013)

Close-up of Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga as the husband and wife Ed and Lorraine Warren

18.Annabelle (2014)

Close-up of a haunted doll with pigtails and a lot of makeup and a metallic face

A spinoff of, and prequel to, The Conjuring (2013) that focuses on the demonic doll. Yikes. Why are dolls so scary? Could someone please explain this to me?

Warner Bros.

19.Mother! (2017)

Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem with a group of happy people behind them

20.Ju-On: The Grudge (2002)

A spooky kid covered in blood and looking through bars

21.Us (2019)

A family in matching clothing holding hands in a dimly lit driveway at night

22.México Bárbaro, aka Barbarous Mexico (2014)

A woman in Día de los Muertos makeup

I have not seen this one, but it's an anthology horror film of eight shorts, each by a different Mexican horror film director, and is supposedly very, very good.

MPI/Dark Sky Films

23.Terrifier (2016)

A scary-looking clown puppet sitting in a diner

24.Insidious (2010)

A ghostly pair of women in dresses

25.Sinister (2012)

A half-naked body getting into a pool at night

26.Halloween (1978–2022)

Close-up of Michael Myers and his creepy mask

27.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

A woman screaming and looking horrified

28.Alien (1979)

Sigourney Weaver wearing a space suit

29.And finally: Dear David (2023)

Close-up of a seated man looking shocked

Dear David is out now in theaters and on digital. Check out the trailer here:

I know there must be some great horror films missing from this list, but there's only so much a weak and very afraid person can handle writing about. So, please, step inside the comments area and tell us your recommendations.

You want a few more? Here:

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