2024 Golden Globes slugfest: Tariq Khan, Marcus James Dixon and Daniel Montgomery debate TV predictions

“Is it a foregone conclusion that ‘Succession’ will win?” wonders Gold Derby Editor Daniel Montgomery about the Golden Globe race for Best Drama Series. He discussed his predictions in all 12 TV categories with Editor Marcus James Dixon and Expert Tariq Khan. Listen to their slugfest below.

“I would say that ‘Succession’ being the phenomenon that it has been, it’s hard not to give it this big farewell hug, if you will. So that’s why I think it seems pretty safe,” argues Khan. It doesn’t hurt that the series earned a record nine nominations this year, more than any TV program has ever gotten in a single season. Dixon agrees that “Succession” “went out with a huge bang. Everyone loved it. I think it’s one of the easiest calls of the night.”

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Best Comedy Series is a tougher call. Dixon says, “I am predicting ‘The Bear‘ right now because it’s the hot thing. It feels new, even though this is season two,” and the Golden Globes have historically liked awarding fresh new shows, though we’re dealing with a different voting body this time around — the Golden Globe Association instead of the defunct Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Montgomery agrees that “The Bear” will win, but warns of a possible upset by “Jury Duty,” and that’s exactly what Khan thinks will happen: “I’m gonna go on a limb here and say that ‘Jury Duty’ does pull out that upset, being the exciting new choice here,” while “The Bear” gets its due in acting categories.

In the contest for Best TV Movie/Limited Series, though, our pundits are in agreement again. “I’m going with ‘Beef’ until it loses something,” Montgomery proclaims. “I think you’re absolutely right that it’s going to be ‘Beef,'” Dixon adds, though “if the Emmys took place in September and went overboard for ‘Beef’ … then I don’t think the Globes would care at all about ‘Beef.’ I think they would be picking something else.” But Khan goes as far as to call “Beef” a “slam dunk.”

Our trio don’t agree on everything, though, going into the 81st Annual Golden Globes taking place on January 7. Listen above to the rest of their gutsy forecasts, including one race where they’re all picking someone different to win. Who will turn out to be right when the trophies are handed out?

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