The 2024 Finalists for Comedy Pet Photography Awards Are Here and It's Impossible to Pick a Favorite

Photographers Tom Sullam and Paul Joynson-Hicks are the founders of the Comedy Pet Photography Awards and the finalists for 2024 are here and each photo is better than the next.

Check out some of this years finalists and just try to pick a favorite!

<p> Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy pets</p><p>Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy pets</p>

Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy pets

Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy pets

View the 9 images of this gallery on the original article

The founders of the competition explain why they do the competition and what they are trying to achieve and they stated, "Through the Comedy Pets, we want to promote positive awareness of animal welfare issues and celebrate the incredible and valuable contribution that pets can and do have on our lives.”

This is our mission and although it is a bold one, we want to bang the drum as loud as we can for animal welfare and make sure it is at the heart of what we do. Because behind the funny images and videos of the competition, there is a very serious and fundamental message to help, respect and care for our animals in the most humane way possible. And every year as our competition gets a little bigger, the message is getting a little louder and we can help more animals. We are so proud to be a part of it and of course, as a Brucie bonus, very happy that we can put a smile on your face too!!! "

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All of the photos in this year's finalists are just incredible and I have no idea how anyone can just pick one favorite. Each of the photos are so fun and creative and they just serve as a big reminder that animals really are the best.

All the 30 finalists will be eligible for The People's Choice Category, where the public gets to vote via the website for their favorite funny pet. The website says, "The People's Choice Award is now open, Woohoo!! So what are you waiting for? We insist you go, put on your judge's hat, get a cup of tea and check out ALL the FINALISTS to vote for your favorite right now!" The winner will be announced on June 6.

Six judges will decide the winner of the Overall best Photo Award and the winner will receive a £500 (or about $630) cash prize and a camera bag.

You can see the complete list of 2024 finalists here.

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