'Command & Conquer' remaster is shaping up to be a huge visual upgrade

You can even switch between original and remastered graphics on the fly.

Petroglyph, Lemon Sky and EA are finally ready to offer a glimpse at the Command & Conquer remaster, and it's evident the game won't veer far from its roots. A newly-posted first peek at the real-time strategy game shows that it really is just the original 2D title redone with high-resolution artwork. Lemon Sky re-modeled the visuals as closely as possible, and lined it up frame-by-frame with the original. You can even switch between the original and remastered graphics with a key press when you're playing campaign missions -- it's like taking your glasses off for a brief moment.

The extra detail will look good on your 4K display, of course, but it'll also allow you to zoom in to appreciate the detail as your commando destroys a building.

There's still no release date for any of the remastered C&C games (which will include Red Alert), so you'll have to be patient. From early indications, though, this will be closer to the game you pictured in your head circa 1995 than an attempt to please present-day gamers with modern mechanics. This might not please people hoping for a truly new (and good) sequel, but veteran RTS players could be happy.