LinkedIn finds the most common names among CEOs

Want to be a CEO some day? Well, your chances of becoming top gun are apparently significantly higher if your name is Peter or Deborah.

Data from LinkedIn shows a correlation between first names and career choices, and proves that your name may actually influence your success later in life.

SEE MORE: Companies with female managers perform better

The online networking site revealed the most popular names among Chief Executive Officers in a variety of positions -- and gave some key insights as to why these names may be overrepresented in this position.

Click through for the most common names for male CEOs:

Now check out the most common names for female CEOs:

The leading names among these groups undeniably have some similarities, including length and the version of the name (shortened vs. full) respective of gender.

Frank Nuessel suggests:

"Shortened versions of given names are often used to denote a sense of friendliness and openness. Female CEOs, on the other hand, use their full name to project a more professional image."

LinkedIn took it a step further and looked at several other professions as well. The five most popular names among athletes were Ryan, Matt, Jessica, Matthew and Jason.

In the Law enforcement department, Billy, Darrell, Pete, Rodney and Troy pulled the ranks.

The 5 prevailing names in Human Resources were Emma, Katie, Claire and Jennifer.

Check out the full study here.

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