19 Film Remakes That Were Worse Than The Original

We all know that Hollywood is partial to a remake or a reboot, right? If we look back at the last few years, we've had our fair share, from The Batman (2022) and The Invisible Man (2020) to The Lion King (2019).

Robert Pattinson as The Batman in 2022 reboot
Robert Pattinson as The Batman in 2022 reboot

DC Films / Via giphy.com

Some reboots are great and welcomed by fans, whilst others should have never been allowed to roam free on the Earth.

So, when you think of a bad remake, what film first comes to mind? Here's my list of some of the worst out there in the movie world! And yes, you will find that I really have a thing against Hollywood for ruining genuinely amazing foreign films...

1.Planet of the Apes (2001)

2.Psycho (1998)

3.Carrie (2013)

4.The Fog (2005)

5.Ghost in the Shell (2017)

6.Bangkok Dangerous (2008)

7.Robin Hood (2018)

8.The Karate Kid (2010)

9.Martyrs (2015)

10.Cold Pursuit (2019)

11.The Heartbreak Kid (2007)

12.The Wicker Man (2006)

13.Annie (2014)

14.Oldboy (2013)

15.Black Christmas (2019)

16.One Missed Call (2008)

17.Straw Dogs (2011)

18.Ben-Hur (2016)

19.Fame (2009)

So, there you have it! You have my thoughts on the worst remakes around, but what other remakes would make your list?