19 "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Moments That Still Make Me Cry, And 19 That Still Make Me Laugh

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It's been 25 years since Buffy the Vampire Slayer premiered, and there are still dozens of moments that make me cry or laugh just by thinking about them.

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Here are some of the moments from Buffy that still make me emotional after all this time:

1.😂 When Buffy tells the Master he has "fruit-punch" mouth

2.😭 When Buffy smashes the Master's bones

3.😂 When everyone turns into their Halloween costumes

4.😭 When Angel kills Jenny Calendar and leaves her body for Giles to find

5.😂 When Xander joins the swim team

Buffy, Willow, and Cordelia looking shocked to see Xander in a speedo and Xander hiding behind a kickboard

Specifically, Cordelia, Buffy, and Willow's reaction to seeing Xander in his itty bitty speedo — and his reaction to seeing them see him in his itty bitty speedo.

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6.😭 When Drusilla kills Kendra

7.😂 When Giles drags Joyce about her evil mask that raises the dead

Giles mockingly saying "Do you like my mask? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead! Americans."

Early on in Season 3, Joyce, who manages an art gallery, brings home an African mask that ends up being evil — like raise-the-dead evil. Giles' reaction to this discovery is, in a word, hilarious.

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8.😭 When Buffy kills Angel

9.😂 Pretty much all of "Doppelgangland"

10.😭 When Buffy saves Jonathan from himself

11.😂 When Buffy calls out Giles for having sex with her mom

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Despite Joyce's best efforts, while caring for her mind-reading daughter, she's unable not to think about the fact that she and Giles hooked up when they had regressed into teenagerhood. Buffy seems more baffled than anything — which makes sense, since she has bigger things to worry about, like not losing her mind — but she doesn't pass up the chance to roast Giles about it later. Watching him literally walk into a tree never gets old.

12.😭 When Buffy gets her Class Protector award

13.😂 When Buffy gets a roommate

14.😭 When Oz leaves Willow

15.😂 When Xander and Harmony fight

16.😂 When Buffy and Spike "fall in love"

17.😂 Giles' presentation about the Gentlemen

18.😭 When Buffy, Giles, Willow, and Xander combine their essences to fight Adam

19.😂 When Dracula comes to Sunnydale

20.😭 When Buffy breaks down about her mom being sick

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This is another one of those watching-people-cry-makes-me-cry moments, and there are few things sadder than Buffy crying about her sick mom (especially when you know what's coming later on).

21.😂 When Giles dresses like a wizard

Giles dressed as a wizard on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Why Giles decides to dress like Merlin for the grand re-opening of The Magic Shop is beyond me, but it's a truly ~magical~ moment.

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22.😭 When the Scooby Gang sticks up for Tara

23.😭 When Buffy tells Dawn they're sisters no matter what

Buffy telling Dawn "It doesn't matter where you came from, or how you got here. You are my sister... There's no way you could annoy me so much if you weren't"

After Dawn finds out that she's the mystical Key that can open the borders between dimensions, she understandably goes through a major identity crisis and runs away. Buffy assures her that no matter where she came from or how she came to be, she's her sister.

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24.😂 When Spike gets thrown through a window by a robot

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Need I say more?

25.😭 Pretty much all of "The Body"

26.😂 When the gang meets the Buffybot

27.😭 When Glory attacks Tara

28.😂 When Spike tries to explain to the Scoobies that Ben is Glory and Glory is Ben

29.😭 When Buffy dies (the second time)

30.😂 When Anya sings "Bunnies"

31.😭 When Buffy reveals her friends pulled her out of heaven

32.😂 When the Scoobies (temporarily) lose their memories

33.😭 When Tara dies

34.😭 When Xander saves Willow from herself

35.😂 When Buffy, Anya, Willow, and Dawn fight over a kid with a magic varsity jacket

36.😭 When Xander tells Dawn she's "extraordinary"

37.😂 When Buffy gets in one final pun

The First, pretending to be Buffy, telling the real Buffy "You came pretty close to smacking me down. What more do you want?" and Buffy replying "I want you to get out of my face."

Buffy's quippy one-liners are always A+, and telling the First — who has adopted her visage — to get out of her face is a surprising moment of levity amidst the horrific battle going on around them.

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38.😭 When we hear Buffy's big finale speech

What are some of your favorite moments from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Let us know in the comments!