18 People Who Used The Wrong Word In The Funniest Way

Most typos and misspellings are simple mistakes that don't affect the readability of a sentence. But sometimes a misspelling is so egregious that it makes you blink a few times and say, "What?" Here are 18 examples:

1.My brain flipped inside out after reading this.

Two user comments in a chat; one complains about the server's quality, followed by a confused response
u/Demolicious51 / Via reddit.com

2.Ironically, if the marriage was constipated then it probably wasn't consummated.

Screenshot of a mobile device showing a conversation thread from a social media platform with users discussing the interpretation of a marriage law
u/Frostmage82 / Via reddit.com

3.That's when you get cancelled and you transform into a giant bird.

Screenshot of a social media post with a pun, user fears sharing opinions and getting "ostrich sized" instead of ostracized
u/Fancy-Nature9205 / Via reddit.com

4."Please certify that you have been satisfied. Sign here."

Person in obscured photo with text "How do y'all deal with someone who doesn't satisfy you in bed?"
u/Ho3n3r / Via reddit.com

5.Well, my bouche is amused.

Image of a text story about a dining experience involving confusion over the term "moose bouse."
u/whoawhoawhoa2020b / Via reddit.com

6.Not only did they butcher the spelling of "tsunami," but it looks like they probably actually meant "deluge." A double whammy!

Screenshot of a messaging app with a rain forecast shared, and a text message that reads "Soon army" followed by a reply "Not here."
u/Aka-Whitejesus / Via reddit.com

7.What about a half law?

Text message stating someone was found innocent in law, highlighting the impossibility of having it both ways
u/Heyweird0 / Via reddit.com

8.For what it's worth, I would accept this new idiom.

Comment on social media agreeing with a point, but with a typo: "Forward its worth" instead of "For what it's worth"
u/darkskim / Via reddit.com

9.I hereby for big this person from posting.

Social media comment reads "God for big an adult to have fun" with an emoji
u/KindaColddEh / Via reddit.com

10.When Pinocchio's nose grows, call that a wooden surprise.

Social media comment joking about expectations of UK politicians' behavior
u/Topological_Space / Via reddit.com

11.You just gotta reframe your thinking.

Sign requests not to feed pigeons or birds to prevent encouraging them inside the store
u/Kindly-Effort5621 / Via reddit.com

12.Honestly, I hope they meant bad mitten shoes. I wanna see those.

Screenshot of a humorous text conversation where "bad mitten" is mistakenly used instead of "badminton."
u/alijean13 / Via reddit.com

13.Yeah, I hate it when the air has too much tree Paul and.

Five-star review with text praising a product for quick improvement in spare bedroom organization, mentioning season change

14.Good, the reaper has a very bony butt and he might need a nice cushion to sit on.

Image of a sports stadium with unexpected oversize cushions on the field, tweeted in disbelief
u/throughthisironsky / Via reddit.com

15.I'm not gonna sugar code it: This is completely incorrect.

Screenshot of a social media comment asking "is there anything added or sugar coded" with a date and 27 likes
u/Tooth_Department3 / Via reddit.com

16.Soak AND wet???

Instagram comments screenshot with a user's question, "Why is everything soak and wet". Identity obscured
u/krenee7 / Via reddit.com

17.I wouldn't either.

Wooden dresser with unique knot patterns and round handles, mistakenly thought to have drawers
u/russiaisamyth / Via reddit.com

18.And finally: Isn't it hard to type with big scary paws?

Social media screenshot of a user's comment about being scared at a haunted house event, and the experience with their sister
u/SwimmingOnLand / Via reddit.com