18-Year-Old Says She Contacted 61-Year-Old After Seeing Him On ‘Dr. Phil,’ Got More Than She Bargained For

Georgia says after watching an episode of Dr. Phil in which a guest named Mark Anthony was trying to save his relationship with his fiancée, Marina, she saw a lot of negative comments toward Mark Anthony on social media. So, she says she sent him a friend request to show him some support. The 18-year-old says she started messaging with 61-year-old Mark Anthony daily. “I told him that I had always wanted to model,” Georgia says. “Mark told me that he knew a lot of people in the industry, and he had been on shows, and that he could help me.” Georgia’s mother, Kellie, says she was skeptical of Mark Anthony, and when he sent her daughter a contract to sign, she felt like it was a “scam.” “I told her to stop communication with him,” Kellie says. Mark Anthony denies he tried to scam Georgia. Did Georgia believe she was being scammed? Hear what she says in the video above. And, she reveals that Mark Anthony proposed to her numerous times. How does her mother respond? On Monday’s episode of Dr. Phil, "'Mark Anthony Returns: New Love or Old Flame?' and Wedding Disaster: Lost Memories," see what happens when Georgia and her mom meet Mark Anthony for the first time in person. Check local listings to see where you can watch. TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Have a story Dr. Phil won't believe?