17 Things You Might Be Doing That Make Work 10 Times Harder For Grocery Store Workers

Listen — grocery shopping can be stressful. There are long lines, tons of people (and their carts) to maneuver around, and — of course — really tasty-looking snacks that threaten to derail your grocery budget.

People in a packed grocery store
Dan Kitwood / Getty Images

There's a lot going on at once, and unfortunately, that sometimes brings out the worst in people. Still, it's not that hard to be a considerate customer! It's been a long and particularly rough year and a half for grocery store workers, so I think it's a great time to talk about the little things we can do (and not do) to make things a little easier on them. And — spoiler alert — it's all really, really easy!


I spoke with an anonymous grocery store worker from a major US chain, and here are some of the biggest customer no-nos they shared:

1.Putting things back in the wrong places.

Man holding two bottles in a grocery aisle

Understandably, sometimes you change your mind about whether or not you want to buy something, but it's not that hard to put things back where you found them! At the very least, don't leave something like a frozen food item on a random shelf where it'll go bad.

Noel Hendrickson / Getty Images

2.Assuming "the back" is a magical place where they have extras of everything not on the shelf.

Apple TV

~The back~ definitely isn't as big as you think it is, so if a popular item is out of stock on the shelves, there's a good chance there isn't more in the back, either.

3.Acting as if employees are in the way when they're trying to stock new items.

Donna Meagle saying "Excuse me?"

4.Unstacking or digging through items to find a better expiration date.

Woman sorting through jars and looking at dates

5.Insisting that employees rearranged the whole store when you can't find the item you're looking for.

Kyle Mooney on SNL saying "Where is it?"

It might sound ~wild~, but you maybe, possibly, perhaps...were in the wrong aisle?


6.Assuming that employees work at a grocery store because they're not as smart as you.

A woman from Real Housewives saying, "Wow, that is so rude"

7.Freaking out when you find a moldy piece of produce.

Moldy Strawberries

8.Touching an employee to get their attention.

Someone touching another person's back

In general, you probably shouldn't be physically touching people you don't know, but this is especially a no-no during a pandemic.

Shotshare / Getty Images / iStockphoto

9.Alternatively, snapping your fingers or whistling at employees to get their attention.


They! Are! People! Not! Dogs!

10.Also, just yelling the name of the item you're looking for at an employee.

Britney Spears wincing

A quick "Hi!" or "Excuse me!" is all you need, y'all! You don't need to have a whole conversation, but it's not that hard to treat people like, well, people.

Access Hollywood

11.Thinking you can treat employees however you want because it's their job to serve you.


12.Letting kids wreak havoc on the store unattended.

A kid pushing another kid in a cart

It can definitely be hard to get your grocery shopping done and keep kids entertained, but that doesn't mean it's okay to let them climb things, run around, and unload things from the shelves. It's super easy to make a big, expensive mess.

Jon Hicks / Getty Images

13.Specifically, letting kids climb the carts.

A cart in a grocery store aisle

Sometimes parents get upset that the carts are unsafe for children, but the reality is that they're made to carry groceries, not for kids to climb on. Carts can and will flip over when kids climb them, and they might get hurt.

Jenwit Ritbundit / Getty Images / EyeEm

14.Telling employees what products they should or shouldn't be stocking.

Two people in the dairy section
Thierry Dosogne / Getty Images

15.Using the motorized shopping carts — and especially letting your kids use them — when they don't need them.

A woman in a motorized cart

Do motorized carts look like fun sometimes? Sure! But they're there for a reason, and that reason is not for kids to run into things or for you to make people who actually need the carts wait until you're done.

Juanmonino / Getty Images

16.Expecting store employees to handle corporate issues, and getting mad when they can't or don't.

A man in a store vest looking confused

Sometimes a customer issue requires someone higher up to get the ball rolling, and there really is nothing else the kind folks at your store can do.


17.And finally, forgetting that produce is seasonal.

Fall produce, including carrots, pumpkins, squash, cabbage, apples, and potatoes

Fellow grocery store workers — did we miss anything? If so, let us know in the comments below!

And everyone else: Please, please be nice to your neighborhood grocery store employees!