17 Jokes For Everyone Who Can't Stop Singing (And Sobbing Over) "Surface Pressure" From "Encanto"

ICYMI, Disney's latest film — Encanto — is absolutely wonderful from beginning to end, and chock-full of some brand-new certified earworms, courtesy of Mr. Lin-Manuel Miranda!

Walt Disney Studios

But no tune on the soundtrack has doubled as both a genuine bop and an aggressive call-out so much as Luisa's (Jessica Darrow) solo tune, "Surface Pressure," has. The song is, essentially, about the anxiety and stress that comes with the expectations of being the older, "stronger" sibling* in a family — and many people can relate! Like, the scene has over 45 million views on YouTube as of my typing this! Take a listen if you haven't (or, ya know, just re-listen to it for the millionth time):

So, with that in mind, we took to Twitter and Tumblr to round up some of the very best reactions to — and jokes about — Luisa's iconic solo scene, and compiled them into this easy-to-enjoy list for your viewing pleasure! Ready? Here we go:

1.This much-needed drink:

2.This casual glance:

3.This animation decision:

4.This simple truth:

5.This dichotomy:

6.This visceral reaction:

7.This symbolism:

8.This inner monologue(?):

9.This not fine playlist:

10.This choice:

11.This evisceration:

12.This reminder to check in on your oldest:

13.This official decision:

14.This question for the room:

15.This familial stare-down:

16.This gift from Lin-Manuel himself:

17.And finally, this fate worse than Regina George:

So, what's your favorite song and/or scene in Encanto? Share all of your thoughts in the comments below! OH! And, if you enjoyed what you read, be sure to click through and follow your favorite creators on both Twitter and Tumblr to make you timelines more fun, nerdy places to be!