17 Celebrities Who Legitimately Have No Idea How To Clap Their Hands

17 Celebrities Who Legitimately Have No Idea How To Clap Their Hands

The older I get and the more I watch awards shows, the more I realize that some celebrities just don't know how to clap.

Andrew Garfield and others clapping in an audience at an event

Carey Mulligan is the latest celebrity to be caught without the ability to clap at the BAFTA Awards.

BBC / Via Twitter: @nicolajoakley

She struggled with that one!

BBC / Via Twitter: @RufusTSuperfly

Fear not. She's not the only one. This is somewhat of a trend in Hollywood, and here are other celebs who struggle with putting their two hands together...

1.Antonio Banderas

Antonio barely touching one finger to the other hand at an event and not smiling

2.Natasha Lyonne

Natasha in a shimmering outfit smiling and clapping awkwardly

3.Joe Jonas

Joe Jonas in a suit clapping onstage with no rhythm or energy

4.Pippa Middleton

Pippa clapping in a crowd at a sporting event with one hand coming down on the other


Sting applauding at an event, wearing a dark shirt and watch, with his fingers far apart

6.Olivia Rodrigo

Olivia in black spaghetti-strap top applauds at event with fingers of one hand bent

7.Steve McQueen

Steve, in bow tie and glasses, applauding by pounding his hands with spread fingers together

8.Britney Spears

Britney smiling and thumping the palms of her raised hands together

9.Brendan Fraser

Brendan in a suit, laughing and slapping his hands together once and then pointing with one hand

10. Lady Gaga

Twitter: @chromaticgaga

11.Nick Nolte

Animated GIF of Nick at a crowded award ceremony hitting one still hand with the other

12.Steve Harvey

Steve slapping his raised hands together

13.Cardi B

Cardi lightly pressing the palms of her hands, with very long fingernails, together and smiling at an awards ceremony
Cardi B clapping with one hand at a 90-degree angle to the other

14.Wes Anderson

Wes clapping with his hands raised in front of his face
Wes clapping by pressing his raised hands together and just tapping the fingers  of each hand against the other

15.George Santos

GIF of George just tapping his palms together

16.Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel in a black suit clapping but with one hand almost missing the other

And last but certainly not least, the legendary queen of being unable to clap:

17.Nicole Kidman

Nicole, in a beaded dress, clapping by just touching her palms lightly together and her fingers facing away from each other
Another view of Nicole clapping slowly by just touching her palms lightly together and her fingers facing away from each other
David Oyelowo clapping normally and Nicole clapping by not even touching her hands together and holding one awkwardly at an angle
Nicole again just touching her palms together, fingers facing away from each other
Nicole just slowly touching her palms together, fingers facing away from each other