After 15 years, one of the greatest indie puzzle games ever made is getting a long-awaited sequel

 World of Goo 2.
World of Goo 2.

15 years after the launch of the original World of Goo, developer 2D Boy is finally going back to the classic, gooey, bridge-building format with World of Goo 2.

It looks like the sequel builds on that format. You'll still be building bridges out of little goo guys, but it the trailer shows off a whole lot of additional gameplay elements, from balloons to giant rolling blobs and some kind of giant... thing that's eating a goo construct in one sequence.

There isn't much in the way of concrete details, but the game is coming in 2024, and the official site teases the game's sense of humor while talking about platforms. "Yes, let's enjoy this moment, right now, where anything is possible. Can you play it on your 2004 Discman? Maybe. Let's just let the vast expanse of uncertainty fill our hearts with wonder, while we fill our bank accounts with exclusive distributon contracts." (In other words, no platforms have been announced just yet.)

The original World of Goo launched in 2008 for PC and Wii. It was one of the most notable indie games on the Wii Shop, and one of the more notable breakouts from early indie gaming. Its interface was perfectly suited to the Wii's pointer, though obviously it worked quite well with mouse controls, as well. In 2017, the original game was also ported to Switch. Here's hoping the devs find whatever ways they can to make the interface work on modern platforms with the sequel.

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