15 Wild, Shocking, And Straight-Up Bonkers "Family Feud" Answers That Should Go Down In Game Show History

1.This "naked grandma":

Steve Harvey says, “Name something a burglar would not want to see when he breaks into a house," and a contestant says, "Naked grandma," making Steve pause in complete surprise

Here's the full clip:

2.This "sucker":

Steve Harvey asks, "If you are fixing a girl up on a blind date with Dracula, name something positive you might say about him" and a contestant says, "He's a good sucker," making Steve look genuinely disappointed
Steve continues staring at the contestant in disbelief then says, "You can't say that on TV"

Here's the full clip:

3.This "crier":

Steve asks, "Tell me a word a married man would use to fill in the blank: ‘I would blank for sex,’" and a contestant says, "Now, this isn't me; I would cry for sex," making Steve look at him skeptically

Here's the full clip:

4.The "joint":

Steve says, "Name something that gets passed around," and a contestant says, "A joint," making Steve stare at the contestant in shock as he continues laughing

Here's the full clip:

5.This "porcupine":

Steve says, "Name something that follows the word ‘pork,’" and a contestant says, "'Cupine," making Steve go, "Huh"
Steve looks shocked then says, "He said 'cupine" then cracks up laughing

Here's the full clip:

6.This squeeze:

Steve says, "Name something women like to squeeze," and a contestant answers, "Their breasts," making Steve stare in disbelief

Here's the full clip:

7.This fantasy:

Steve says, "We asked 100 married men: Fantasy only…what do you think you would do the first day of being divorced?" and a contestant says, "Threesome," leaving Steve speechless

Here's the full clip (starts at 0:09):

8.This strap:

Steve says, "Name something you might have strapped to you," and a contestant answers, "A dildo," leaving Steve shocked

Here's the full clip:

9.This "potato":

Steve says, "Name a word or phrase that starts with ‘pot,'" and a contestant says, "Pot-ato," and Steve look confused and disappointed at the same time
Steve then asks, "Why y'all clapping?" and the contestant says, "Doesn't it start with 'pot?'" to which Steve replies, "Yes, ma’am, it starts with ‘pot,’ but we all know…no one says POT-ato"
Steve finally says, "Let's see if it's up there: pot-ato," and it actually is, and he looks absolutely dumbfounded

Here's the full clip:

10.This body part:

The question: "We asked 100 men: Name a part of your body that’s bigger than it was when you were 16"; the answer: Your penis
Steve continues to be so speechless that he actually kneels down on the floor, laughing

Here's the full clip:

11.And this hook:

Steve says, "If Captain Hook was moonlighting as a handyman, he might replace his hook with what tool?" and contestant Bruce Smith says, "A hammer" Steve says, "Try again," to which Bruce replies: "A penis," and Steve goes, "WTF did he say?"

Here's the full clip:

12.This "pool boy" — featuring Marjorie Harvey, Steve's wife:

Question: "We asked 100 married women: Some days, I'd be willing to trade my man with a really good what?" Answer from Marjorie: "Pool boy"

Here's the full clip:

13.This hot date:

Steve says, "Tell me something a man might have in his pants when he’s going on a hot date," and a contestant says, "Boner," making Steve exclaim: "You can say that on TV?!"

Here's the full clip:

14.This reindeer:

Steve asks, "In this bad economy, what might Santa Claus have to do with one of his reindeers?" and a contestant says, "Eat one," leaving Steve looking deeply concerned

Here's the full clip:

15.And finally, um, this:

Steve says, "We asked 100 women: Name something you’d love Steve Harvey to teach your man how to do better," a contestant answers, "Sex," and Steve looks at them in with shock

Here's the full clip:

What are the funniest, wildest, or most shocking Family Feud moments you've seen? Let us know in the comments below!

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Kathy Hoang