15 "Hunger Games" Costumes Ranked From "Oh God No" To "Weird, But I'm Into It" To "Worthy Of A Victor"

Fashion is second only to bread in terms of how large a role it plays in The Hunger Games series. In the Capitol, citizens wear elaborate costumes that communicate their status as being above the physical labor that defines life in the Districts. After all, it's tricky to pull off this turquoise suit in a coal mine.

Effie in a blue suit with poofy sleeves
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

Meanwhile, those living in the Districts only get a taste of this sort of luxury in the worst circumstances possible: As one of 24 tributes in the annual Hunger Games. From interview gowns to tacky chariot costumes, tributes are forced to perform to get the attention of the Capitol citizenry, before they're all dressed in the same uniform and tossed into the arena.

Katniss in her interview dress
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

With that in mind, I've ranked 15 costumes from the 2012 adaptation of The Hunger Games from "Get A Cannon Ready" to "(Briefly) Made Me Forget This Is A Dystopia." The highly mathematical algorithm I've used to determine each costume's placement is based on two factors: The impressiveness of its design and execution, and how much it contributes to the storytelling.

Effie, Haymitch, and Katniss watching the TV, nervous, with caption: they're waiting to find out where they rank

Just so you know, this isn't an exhaustive list of all the costumes in the film. I mostly chose outfits that are significant to the story or that immediately caught my attention during a rewatch.

Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

UNRANKED: Seneca "I Hope Those Are Blueberries" Crane's Beard O' Evil.

Seneca's curly beard

Facial hair isn't an outfit, so it cannot be included in the actual ranking, but it would be a dereliction of my duty as a person writing about The Hunger Games not to mention it.

Lionsgate / courtesy Everett Collection

Somehow, in a movie about teenagers fighting to the death, this beard is the one who woke up and chose violence. That is all.

Seneca Crane being interviewed by Caesar

15.Katniss's Interview Dress

Katniss wearing a full length red gown

This dress is probably my least favorite costume from the franchise. Not because it strays from what the book describes, which is a gem-encrusted ballgown, or because the "fire" burning at the hem of the dress comes across as a half-hearted encore of the chariot costume, which already had its own special effects woes...

Katniss twirls as the Capitol audience watches

...but because it looks like an afterthought. Sure, Katniss isn't the one making an unexpected declaration of love here, but that doesn't mean she deserves a bodice that's basically one big wrinkle.

A close up of Katniss's bodice

14.Glimmer and Marvel's Fuchsia Showgirl Chariot Costumes

the two tributes dressed in bright pink and sequined showgirl outfits

The chariot parade costumes are all bonkers, and no single accessory could convey that more than Glimmer's hat. Why doesn't Marvel get a hat? They're the luxury district and they can only afford one hat between the two of them? At least he gets the same weird Ikea shag rug cape she does.

The tributes wave

The costumes in this sequence aren't my favorite in general, and I think it's one of the points where you can tell that the budget for this movie was significantly less than the budgets for its sequels. Thus, skimping on pink feathers.


13.President Snow's Maroon Suit Of Doom

President Snow in a mottled red and black suit with a white rose pinned to his lapel
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

Obvious moral deficits of the character wearing it aside, I like the suit just fine, and I'm glad his creepy rose habit (not a phrase I've ever typed before) gets a shout-out courtesy of that lapel pin. But the gray gloves don't fit with the rest of the outfit, and let's be real, this guy was never going to rank higher than this.

President Snow waving

I'll see you and your collection of waistcoats in hell, Snow.

Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

12.Haymitch's Series of Increasingly Rumpled Suits

Haymitch in linen pants and a rumpled suit holding a drink
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

Haymitch looks pretty much exactly the way I imagined, to which I say:

Haymitch giving a thumbs up

But it's a natural consequence of the characters he shares scenes with — namely, Effie in her Capitol finery, and Katniss and Peeta in their Games costumes — that his clothes fade into the background more often than not. Also, he's wearing this pocket watch the entire time, and I cannot imagine a person less likely to own a watch than this man.

Haymitch's watch pointed out

11.Caesar Flickerman's Iridescent Interview Ensemble

Caesar in a sparkly suit
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

Book Caesar changes the color scheme of his suit and hair with each Games. That suit is also always embroidered with tiny electric lights. This costume delivers on that promise without being a fire hazard, and for that, I applaud it.

Caesar during an interview
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

10.Peeta's Interview/Prom Tuxedo

Peeta in a black suit with flame accents

I like this costume because the flame appliqués ask the same question all of the internet did when this movie came out: If they were both on fire, why did Peeta get stuck being the Boy with the Bread while Katniss became the Girl on Fire? I know giving Katniss that bread saved her life, but even with that heartwarming backstory, it's not the kind of intimidating nickname you hope to bring with you into the gladiatorial death match. But despite the flames, this tux just isn't interesting enough to rank any higher.

flame appliques on peeta's suit

9.Katniss's Reaping Dress

Katniss in a simple blue dress
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

In the books, this dress in an unexpected gift from Katniss's mother, and a relic of her life before she lived in the impoverished Seam. Absent that context, this dress is mostly memorable for being what Katniss is wearing when she volunteers as tribute.

Katniss looks in the mirror with her mother

It's perfectly lovely, and its muted color and relative plainness emphasize Katniss's role as a hero plucked from the masses (against her will, but still), but I'm ranking it slightly lower than I otherwise would, purely because it's featured in this GIF that I've seen approximately 1 billion times, and someone has to answer for tattooing it on my hippocampus against my will.

Lionsgate / giphy.com

8.My Second Favorite Capitol Extra Costume

a woman with huge shoulders and a bunch of pearls

Not only is this the exact right amount of black tulle to wear on a day-to-day basis, this lady is implied to be one of the people who sponsors Katniss. Which is great, but if she pawned all her pearl necklaces and threw in her eyelash extensions, she could've bought Katniss a tank. Still, you have to respect how fully she committed to the Capitol look book.

A close-up of the costume

7.Cinna's Simple "Not Like Other [Capitol] Girls" Ensembles

Cinna in a black suit with silver jewelry
Lions Gate / Courtesy Everett Collection

When the rest of the Capitol looks like this...

Capitol fans waving as the tributes arrive

Shout-out to Eyepatch Guy on the far left.


...Cinna's already stylish outfits look even better in comparison. From the statement pendant to the straight-from-the-books gold eyeliner to the black animal print jacket that seems like a subtle nod to the Capitol's more outrageous tastes, Cinna's whole vibe screams, "Trust me enough to let me set you on fire." And you know what? He pulls it off!

Cinna holds the fire
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

6.This Capitol Lady's Wealthy-Widow-At-The-Funeral-Of-Her-Husband-Whom-Everyone-Thinks-She-Murdered Get-Up

A Capitol woman wearing a black veil laughs with her friends

This is my favorite of the Capitol extra costumes, mostly because of this. Do you see it? I see it.

The Capitol lady next to Olenna Tyrell
Lionsgate / HBO

5.Effie's Lavender and Green Look

Effie steps out of the elevator with the tributes

*Applause break for the amount of detail and craftsmanship that went into every single one of Effie's costumes, and for whichever costuming wizard made these two colors work together, and for this big belt, too, because I wish I owned it.*

a close up of Effie's belted peplum outfit

4.Katniss and Peeta's Fiery Chariot Costumes

Katniss and Peeta talk to Cinna holding a flame
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

These costumes are hugely significant, since they mark the point at which the tributes of District 12 become contenders. And, suitably enough for the heroes of our story, Katniss and Peeta look much, much better than the other tributes we see. The jumpsuits are a little bit alien, a little bit ice dancer, and a little bit assassin, and the intersection of those three aesthetics is a Capitol sweet spot.

Katniss in a snakeskin jumpsuit
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

The fire special effects leave something to be desired, namely, better fire special effects, but up close, it looks way better than I remember. Far away, it looks like Katniss and Peeta are being chased by the fire emoji, but the jumpsuits are too good on their own to be too harshly penalized for some shoddy 2012 CGI.

Katniss and Peeta on fire, holding hands

3.Katniss's "I Won And Now Things Are Somehow Worse" Victor Ballgown

Katniss in a butter yellow ballgown

I love this dress. In the books, its simple design is an attempt by Cinna to portray Katniss as a lovesick girl and not a murderous revolutionary. It doesn't work, but hey, still a nice outfit.

a close-up of the gown

And it goes great with a crown...

Katniss being crowned with a golden circlet

...and a big ol' middle finger to the Capitol, otherwise known as this mockingjay pin.

the mockingjay pin

2.Katniss's "Illegal Hunting, But Make It Fashion" Ensemble

Katniss aiming an arrow in her leather jacket
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

This is an outfit that gets a lot of love in the book series — especially the leather jacket, which belonged to Katniss's father — and it's beautifully brought to life in the film. It's functional, it's stylish, it's what Katniss is wearing the last time she's happy until the last like 3 minutes of the series: What's not to like?

Gale and Katniss speak in the woods
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

And I don't know how anyone could've seen these knee-high boots and not immediately known that Katniss was the one to bring this dystopia crashing down.

a close-up of Katniss's boots

1.Effie Trinket's Reaping Day Suit

Effie in a pink flower suit
Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

This particular shade of Complicit Pink™ helps Effie stand out in the gray concrete expanse of District 12, and for a single costume, it's carrying a ton of narrative weight. This skirt and jacket combo tells us all we need to know about the Capitol's cruelty and excess, and watching this scene over again, it struck me as near-miraculous that Effie ends the series as a friend to Katniss and Peeta, rather than a magenta monster whom they remember mainly for delivering them to a death match.

Effie in pink announcing the reaping

She can spot mahogany from a mile away but she can't see a war crime when it's right in front of her?

Effie speaks to Katniss and Peeta

It's a beautiful costume, and a deeply evil one. For that, it wins the top spot.


What's your favorite costume from the movie? Was Seneca Crane's curly beard unfairly vilified? Let us know in the comments!