This $15 Cold Brew Coffee Is So Delicious, Amazon Shoppers Are Drinking It Black

Summer officially marks the season of seeing everyone on the street with an iced coffee in hand. While those cold, delicious sips of caffeine are a lifesaver for some of us in hot weather, getting a cold brew from your favorite spot every day can admittedly get pretty expensive. We know that making your own cold brew at home can seem intimidating or even time-consuming at first but it’s actually super easy if you have the right coffee on hand — and we just found the perfect one for you.

This cold brew coffee by Brooklyn-based Stone Street Coffee ($15.19; is specially-roasted to be cold brewed, meaning you don’t have to worry about the coffee grounds being the right size or taking on a funky taste. You can use pretty much anything to make it — from a French press to even a mason jar — but we recommend getting an actual cold brew maker, like this Amazon best-seller ($16.99;, so you don’t have to wonder if you’re doing it right or not.

The dark roast, Colombian blend isn’t bitter or acidic. I’ve tried it myself and it’s pretty sweet, which is what makes it so great — it already tastes like it has a bit of cream and sugar in it, without having to add any in yourself. Amazon shoppers say they can drink it just black — I usually don’t drink my coffee black, but can attest that I was able to drink Stone Street Coffee’s blend straight out of the fridge without anything else. (But it was also equally delicious with some almond milk added to it!)


Buy It! Stone Street Coffee Cold Brew Reserve Colombian Dark Roast, $15.19;

RELATED: Over 2,000 Amazon Customers Swear by This Cold Brew Coffee Maker — And It’s Only $17

Over 800 Amazon shoppers are obsessed with this super smooth brew, and many have even crowned it the best cold brew they’ve ever had.

“This coffee is, by far, THE MOST DELICIOUS cold brew coffee I have come across. And that’s saying a lot, especially since I’ve tried 67 different brands and types of cold brew. I will continue to try other brands and types of cold brews but so far this is, BY FAR, the best one I’ve tasted,” one shopper wrote. “The flavor is rich and pure and doesn’t have slight hints of aluminum, plastic or other artificial flavors like many of the other ones I’ve tried do. The bottom line is that this one is (somewhat magically to me) fresh and pure.”

Plus, cold brew doesn’t take too long to make. Just fill up your cold brew maker’s coffee filter, add cold water to the pitcher, let it soak for 12 hours or longer, and you’ll have perfect iced coffee in no time. Most importantly, it stays fresh for up to two weeks, so you’ll have it ready to be poured every day (instead of having to make a new cup all the time).

The one pound bag is already selling fast (it’s already gone out of stock once!), so be sure to order it quick. Even if you’ve never made cold brew before, Stone Street Coffee’s cold brew blend is sure to get you addicted.