13 Brilliant Easter Eggs/Hidden Details From Taylor Swift's "I Can See You" Music Video

Last night, Taylor Swift premiered the music video "I Can See You," starring Taylor Lautner, Joey King, and Presley Cash.

She even brought them all onstage last night in Kansas City, where Taylor and Taylor gushed over their friendship!

More on that here.

More on that here.

John Shearer / Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

Anyway, the video is full of Taylor's signature Easter eggs and hidden details. Here are some of the best:

1.For starters, the countdown clocks leading up to the official premiere all were set at 1:58, which is an iconic time from "Last Kiss."

the clock

"I still remember the look on your face, lit through the darkness at 1:58," Taylor sang on the track.


2.The date and time at the bottom of the opening scene also allude to "Last Kiss":

arrow pointing to the date

I still remember the look on your face, lit through the darkness at 1:58, that July ninth," Taylor sang on "Last Kiss."


3. The gallery of former Taylor eras' looks references the song "it's time to go," where Taylor sang, "He's got my past frozen behind glass, but I've got me."

"He's got my past frozen behind glass but I've got me"🥺 pic.twitter.com/uygzIOnNLe

— Taylor Swift Updates 🏟️ (@swifferupdates) July 8, 2023

Republic / Twitter: @swifferupdates

4.In the first minute, Joey's character does this, calling back to the vault song "Electric Touch."

finger with an electric shock

5. Joey King revisits her old "Mean" music video outfit in this new video:

this was so 🥺 pic.twitter.com/X5NC4n1jn2

— sam 🪩 (@swieder13) July 8, 2023

Republic / Twitter: @swieder13

6.This image quickly flashes, which reads "1989 TV," hinting that 1989 will be the next rerecorded album release.


7. Taylor hinted at something that happened May 22, 2020 or May 20, 2022. Swifties are still figuring this one out.

may 22nd 2020??? WHAT??? pic.twitter.com/VCB6H6bHpS

— dom ❧ I CAN SEE YOU MV! (@ev3rhaze) July 8, 2023

Republic / Twitter: @ev3rhaze

Theory one here, theory two here.

8.The "Long Live" lyrics "I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you" were written on Taylor's arm:


9. I can't tell if this one's real or not, but there may be 1,468 lines on the wall, which may be significant:

there are exactly 1,468 lines on the wall which corresponds with the number of days between the time her masters got sold and the release of speak now tv pic.twitter.com/PRbaWHck8e

— nicholai (@2AMevermore) July 8, 2023

Republic / Twitter: @2AMevermore

10. This Swiftie noticed the license plate may have hinted at a 2/16 release date of something:

10. 2/16. 1989 TV announcement date? pic.twitter.com/pQKqjsUs6W

— miso⸆⸉🍲 part time lyric bot (@IfMisoWasAMovie) July 8, 2023

Twitter: @IfMisoWasAMovie

11.There are five security guards chasing after them — which could symbolize the other five non-TV albums:


12. People pointed out how the video was very "Look What You Made Me Do" vibes:

STOPPP ALL THE NODS TO LWYMMD pic.twitter.com/L4llu3kXAT

— presave speak now (taylor’s version) 💜 (@lukathearcher) July 8, 2023

Republic / Twitter: @lukathearcher

13.And lastly, the most important shot of the video is when Taylor is freed and able to carry out the painting — aka reclaim her art:


That's all, folks! You can watch the incredible vid here! Also — let me know if I missed any in the comments below!