The 12 Disasters Of "EXmas" That Make Me Glad My Exes Will Never Be Invited Home For The Holidays

The hilarious holiday rom-com EXmas is out on Freevee now, and in case you missed it, it's about two exes that are forced to reunite over the holidays. Here's the trailer:


For our first ex we have Graham, played by Robbie Amell, whose boss is kicking his butt at work, and who decides to ditch his family over Christmas.

graham on laptop with takeout container saying: i have a deadline, okay?

(Also me at home watching movies when my friends invite me out for drinks.)

BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

His parents take Christmas very seriously, and are not pleased.

parents on phone looking disppointed
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

And because Graham isn't coming home, they decide to invite his ex-fiancée (played by Leighton Meester) for Christmas instead — whom they've secretly been keeping in touch with.

ali drinking glass of wine next to christmas tree
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

Cue an advent calendar of Christmas mayhem when Graham actually shows up!

graham looks horrified
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

Here are 12 things that can happen when your parents invite your ex home for the holidays, and why this should never, ever be allowed to happen. You can send this to your parents if you think the message needs reinforcing.

1.First of all, as discussed, your parents went ahead and invited your ex for the holidays, so when you do show up, instead of being glad to see you they will be upset. This is somehow your fault, like everything else!

graham is home with outstretched arms and the mom is horrified
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

2.Then they'll be so bamboozled they'll try to hide what they've done from you, as if your ex isn't about to walk into the living room any moment now.

the mom and sister by the christmas tree with mouths agape
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

3.When you see your ex, all the awful and upsetting memories of them leaving you for no reason will come flooding back.

ali holds christmas paper and looks at something that distresses her
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

4.And because it will hurt and because you'll be so taken by surprise, your worst self is going to spontaneously erupt from you in front of everyone.

graham says: I'm pretty sure when you uninvited me from your life, you uninvited you from christmas!
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

5.You'll be relegated to sleep on the couch because your parents will insist your precious ex should have your room so they can be more comfortable. Infuriating!

dad says: now which couch do you want me to set up for you? the one in the basement is more comfortable
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

6.Your ex will make a bet that because your parents like them more, you'll be the one that is asked to leave your own family home by Christmas morning.

ali and graham shake hands and ali makes taunting face with rounded lips
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

7.Meanwhile, your ex will of course be on their absolute best behavior in front of your parents, charming them and making you look bad. Unbelievable!

mom in robe says: you're a christmas angel, you're saving the day
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

8.In fact, your ex will be doing their absolute best to turn your family against you. This may include toilet pranks, the lowest of the low.

ali skips through the house holding toilet plunger over her shoulder
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

9.Being someone who is probably comfortable with cheating, your ex will beat you at Scrabble and every other game, and your self esteem will plummet so low it will be somewhere near the South Pole.

graham looks defeated
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10.And as you are progressively feeling more and more alienated in your own home, your ex will be up in your childhood room, in the comfort of your bed, eating croissants and spilling crumbs everywhere because that's exactly something they would do.

ali looks at crumb on her shoulder
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

11.Of course your parents will defend your ex until the end, because they don't see the evil side that you see. They only see the perfect angel side.

mom on the stairs defending ali who holds christmas wrapping paper. house is very decorated
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

12.And, worst of all, your ex will have time to buy every single family member amazing presents that take the shine off the travel neck pillows you thoughtfully picked up at the airport for everyone on your way home.

mom looks amazed opening a gift in front of christmas tree
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee

But you know what? It's the holidays, the most romantic time of the year. If you can figure out your differences, this might actually end well. You can check out EXmas on Freevee here if you want to see how it works out for Ali and Graham.

ali and graham shake hands
BuzzFeed Studios / Freevee