10 things only a Cincinnatian would understand

Cincinnati. The Queen City. Porkopolis. The City of Seven Hills. Losantiville. The Blue Chip City. (I'm not done.)

Ohio River North! The birthplace of the edible 3-way. The home of the Big Red Machine. The Jungle, baby!

Cincinnati is a special little spot on the U.S. map. We do things a little differently here. To outsiders, our chili smells funny, our tortured football team is 3-0 at losing Super Bowls and our city's name has too many Ns in it. Or is it not enough Ts?

This photo of a Cincinnati sign has been slightly altered to make it more Cincinnati themed.
This photo of a Cincinnati sign has been slightly altered to make it more Cincinnati themed.

Here are 10 things only real Cin-cin-atti-ans will understand. (Or something like that.)

Have more oh-so-Cincinnati suggestions? Email them to me at rtodd@enquirer.com and maybe we'll do a round two.

1. Turkeys and pigs can fly (we're pretty sure).

2. It's not the heat, it's the humidity that gets ya.

3. A 3-way is a culinary delicacy, not risqué behavior. (And oyster crackers are an appetizer.)

4: How to call Blake Maislin (444-4444, 444-4444!)

5: The best barbecue sauce was born in Montgomery.

6: You must check the Reds schedule before attending any event downtown.

7: 'Airborne' is the most underrated movie of all time.

8. 'Please?'

9. Interstate 75 will never not be under construction.

10. Gas stations serve ice cream.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: 10 things only a Cincinnatian would understand