Super Bowl Ad Shows Steve Carell, Jimmy Kimmel, and Other Celebs in Their High School Yearbooks

Honda is giving us some major star power in an early look at their Super Bowl commercial.

The 60-second ad gives us high school yearbook photos of some of our favorite stars. Through visual effects and their real voices, these stars talk about the valuable lessons they learned in their journey to success.

Tina Fey kicks off the ad with a personal advice about how to navigate through life as she charmingly poses with a rose. The oh-so-handsome Robert Redford finishes her thought, saying, “You just keep going. Keep your focus and avoid the distractions.”

Meanwhile, Steve Carell schools us on how to prove your haters wrong. He said, “Believe in yourself.”

Joining the class of dreamers and achievers are Amy Adams, Magic Johnson, Missy Elliott, Stan Lee, and Viola Davis.

Meanwhile, young Jimmy Kimmel — wearing in a blue tux — says, “If you want to play the clarinet, maybe don’t dress like this, but play the clarinet.”

This cute ad is a part of Honda’s long-running “Power of Dreams” campaign to promote its CR-V line.

See how many times Beyoncé repped this year’s Super Bowl host city on Instagram:

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