Man’s Phone Accidentally Clogged with Dozens of Text Requests for Free Chipotle

Surge Soda
Surge Soda

Henry Levine will not give you a free burrito.

Chipotle will, though, as part of a promotion they ran Monday while the chain was closed nationwide to brief employees on new food safety measures. (They’ve been having some problems with that lately, as you might have heard.)

As a goodwill gesture, Chipotle told customers that if they texted the word “raincheck” to 888-222, they’d get a free burrito.

Related: American Hero Figures Out How to Get 86 Percent More Chipotle Burrito — for Free

But people are easily confused, and so some of them added an extra “2” to the number, which meant Washington, D.C., resident Henry Levine’s phone was swamped with one-word requests for free burritos. (Well, at least one person broke “raincheck” into two words, and another used all caps for some reason — extra emphasis, presumably.)

Related: Meet Molly Schuyler: The Wing-Guzzling, Burrito-Destroying ‘LeBron James of Competitive Eating’

“In theory, every area code could have an 888-2222 [number] in it, so I’m only getting a limited number [of texts],” Levine told Tech Insider. “There could be another 200 Hank Levine’s out there getting these texts instead of Chipotle.”

Levine’s daughter-in-law Dorry attempted to rectify the situation with Chipotle, but a rep for the chain decided — probably correctly, even if it didn’t do much to endear them to the Levines — that reaching out to every single person who texted the wrong number wasn’t necessarily the best course of action.

Besides, they have some food safety meetings to conduct.

— Alex Heigl, @alex_heigl