Jennifer Lawrence on Being a 'Lunatic' — and 9 More of Her Best Quotes in Glamour's Cover Story


Jennifer Lawrence appears on the cover of Glamour’s February issue. (Photo: Patrick Demarchelier/Glamour)

We all know Jennifer Lawrence is a talented actress with the awards to prove it. But two of our favorite qualities she possesses are: 1) she makes falling on her face seem downright adorable, and 2) she gives damn good quotes.

The Hunger Games star’s interview in the February issue of Glamour is chock-full of classic J.Law-isms, including her response to the mag’s EIC, Cindi Leive, asking her if she feels misunderstood.

“I don’t,” the 25-year-old Kentucky native, who can also be seen in the indie flick Joy, replied. “I feel like I’m over-paid-attention-to. I’m not trying to be a GIF. I’m not trying to be a picked-up-on-Twitter quote. All I’m trying to do is act. And I have to promote these movies. And I am, at the end of the day, I guess, a f**king lunatic. So if you record what I’m saying, it’s gonna be goofy [laughs]. What do I do? What do I do? I’m just a girl, sitting in front of the world and asking them to forgive her for speaking.”

Here are nine of the "f**king lunatic’s” other great bites:

1. On her personal style: “‘Slutty power lesbian.’ That is literally what I say to a stylist,” Lawrence said, adding, “I don’t know if that’s offensive.”

2. On growing old — and crazy! — with BFF Amy Schumer: “Amy and I have a life plan — we were with Diane Sawyer in Martha’s Vineyard for Thanksgiving. Not to brag… Anyway, Amy’s always wanted to live on [the island], and we saw this house, and we’re like, 'This is where we’re gonna Grey Gardens, and we’re gonna grow old and crazy together.’”

3. On whether she owns Joy Mangano’s Miracle Mop: “No, I don’t. I’m not gonna bulls**t; I don’t do my own mopping.”

4. On the challenges of stardom: “I think that we should be allowed time off [from fame]… Three months. ‘Oh, it’s my three months off. You can’t photograph me.’ … Then I wouldn’t have a new headline out today that I wore the same jeans three days in a row. I was like, 'First of all, yes, I did. Second of all, f**k you, yes, I did.’“

5. On why she’s not on social media: “Because then that’s more exposure — that’s just more me. I want less me. I want people to have less me.”


(Patrick Demarchelier/Glamour)

6. On her crush on Larry David: "I gave Larry David my number. And he never called… I love that he didn’t call me. It makes him so much hotter.”

7. On wanting to be buried in her home state: “My cousin and I were talking last night about what we wanted to do with our dead bodies. And I’m like, 'I want my ashes scattered on Lake Cumberland.’ And when I said it out loud, I was like, 'Wow. You really are still rooted in your redneck [ways].’”

8. On how the female-drive Hunger Games broke box-office records: “Yeah, we broke that record, and I didn’t even realize. As women we don’t know we’re at a deficit because we have vaginas. It wasn’t until they had a headline like, 'Even though she’s a woman!’ And I was like, 'Oh. I didn’t know to be looking out for that.’ [In a baby voice] 'How did this wittle vagina manage that? I carried a whooole movie.”

9. On how her klutziness isn’t an act: “I spilled milk this morning. Last night I spilled red wine all over the rug. All I want to be able to do is just walk from one place to another without falling! It’s so annoying, honestly. And now I’ve gone from the charming, like, ‘Oh my God, whoops, I fell’ — now it really pisses me off. ’Cause it’s embarrassing now… That’s why I want to be able to stop doing it. When I fell the second year at the Oscars, I was just like, ‘F–k.’ ‘Cause I would think the same exact thing. I know it looks like a gag. It’s really, really not.”