Hilary Duff and Younger's Costume Designers Explain the Difference Between New York and Los Angeles Fashion

Hilary Duff Talks Fashion Differences Between LA And New York

When you film a fashion-centric show in New York City (one of the world’s style meccas) the clothes become characters too. Need proof? Just watch one episode of TV Land’s hit Younger.

In a new exclusive behind-the-scenes video, the costume designers behind the show, Jackie Demeterio and Pat Field, along with star Hilary Duff talk about the benefits of shooting their show in NYC. “We’re so lucky,” Demeterio says. “Pat [Field] and I live here and we have so many resources [being] in the fashion capital.”

“The stuff people buy in stores here is different,” Duff explains. “If we were in LA, trying to act like we were shooting in NY, it’s a lot harder to shop because people buy different stuff. People dress a lot more here.” If anyone knows, it’s Duff herself. When she’s not filming the show, she’s living in L.A. “Here, if it’s a nice spring day women are putting on a skirt and a cute tied up shirt,” she says. “In LA, it’s like cutoff shorts.”

Both designers didn’t hesitate to chime in about how useful it is that Miss Duff is quite the fashionista herself. “It’s good Hilary has a sense of both coasts,” Demeterio shares. “Sometimes you get someone who lives in California full-time and they come here and they have a different sensibility, but she understands it. She knows fashion and what looks good. She’s up on it so that helps.”

“She’s a great collaborator,” Field reinforces “That’s what’s so great in our work when we can work with someone who collaborates with us.”

For more insider intel, watch the video below!

Tune in to Younger Wednesday nights at 10 PM on TV Land for more fun style moments.